When Nao Saved You

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'Cause it's too long for only one chapter. T^T

Nao Sakura

Reaching the certain part of the mansion where he suspected you're in, Nao clutched the weapon in his hand tightly.

Nao figured that his brother would keep her hidden in this mansion like how he hid his possessions when they were kids. Maki did not grow of his behavior and it's an advantage for Nao.

The hallway was devoid of any light but it soon changes when a man came out from one of the rooms.

Nao excitedly pulled the trigger before the man could react, his lifeless body is now on the floor.

Nao continued his way after stepping the man since his body is on his way.

Some more resonating bang rang and all Maki's minions are lifeless. Nao reload his guns and opened the last door he didn't checked.

You guessed that it's probably hours since you got kidnapped and all you've done is stare into space or count those noises you hear.

Currently you counted eleven loud sharp bangs, twelve if you included the sharp noise of your door opening.

"Mmmphf!" You exclaimed when you saw Nao approaching you.

" Y/N..." Nao gently called out your name before he cradled you in his arms.

You were relieved that Nao is here but the stench of copper and red stains on Nao's form builds fear in you.

You felt your hands trembled when you caught a glimpse of the gun Nao is holding. You squirmed and signalled Nao to remove your confines which he oblige.

"Nao, that's a gun right? A fake gun?" You pointed at his hand while nervously smiling at you bloodied boyfriend.

I hope it's just a paint, or smashed tomatoes, or red wine or... Just not blood.

"Let's get you out in these poor excuse of a room." Nao said, carrying you in his arms.

"Not so fast, dear brother." Maki enters the room keeping his hands on his pockets.

Nao remained calm as he faced his brother. He wouldn't let his brother get away this time, he had been keeping his rage all this time. He had been tolerating his brother but taking you away from him went past beyond his brother's boundary and it's time to let all his wrath out.

Nao set you on the ground and shielded you from Maki's view.

"Nao?" You called out to your boyfriend but his hazel eyes are blinded with rage.

Nao drew his gun and shot Maki's head just in time before Maki can pull the trigger of his own weapon.

It all happened so fast in your eyes, the only thing you heard is the loud thud of Maki's falling form. You were stunned and paralysed on your spot that you can't even scream or take your eyes off at Maki. You saw the blood that's slowly leaving his body, you saw the small hole where it's oozing from, you saw the shocked expression on his face, his lifeless eyes that stared into nothing and his parted lips.

"Y-You k-killed your own brother..." You whispered into space as your voice trembled.

Nao didn't reply as he carried you again and went out of the room.

Once you were out of there you saw bodies scattered on the ground, each are shot either on their head or chest. The scene in front of you makes your stomach churned in disgust.

Realization dawned on you that Nao is the culprit, who killed all these men which made you tremble and hid your face on his chest.

Upon reaching Nao's room he gently put you down on the bed and checked your body for any injuries. Your physique is perfectly fine but your mental and emotional state is in turmoil.

"Y-You k-killed them." You said while facing the hard ground.

"Yes, I did." He replied noticing your gaze downwards.

"Y-You'll become a c-criminal, you'll be jailed. Killing is a s-sin." You stuttered still looking down.

Nao gently gripped your chin and turned your face to look at him. You saw adoration, longing and love on his eyes but alongside those are his insatiable obsession.

"Justice, moral, ego, you're more than that. For you I would gladly dirty myself, my queen. For you." His voice was filled with insane love before he claimed your lips with his.

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