First date

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Nao Sakura

You wake up by the sound of your doorbell ringing. You're living by yourself in a shaggy and old house that you rented for a very cheap fee. You worked multiple part times to support yourself since you're an orphan.

The doorbell kept on ringing and you have no choice but to check who's disturbing your sleep in a weekend so you lazily got up not even bothering to change your pajamas.

"Good afternoon Y/N. Don't tell me you just woke up? Did you forget our date?" The person who rang your bell is none other than your beloved boyfriend.

And being the forgetful cutie you are, you forgot that today is your first date.

"I'll change! Wait a second!" You replied now fully awake and a panicking mess while leaving Nao in his own thoughts.

Y/N's living in an unstable and rugged house, her beauty is not suited for this poor excuse of a home! I'll make sure that only the best will be serve for you my dearest queen. I'll make sure of that.

Minutes later you returned and went to the restaurant that you were supposed to eat. Unfortunately it is closed since you're so late already.

"Let's eat in my house then, Y/N." Nao invited you which you dumbly agreed.

You're standing in front of a large mansion. A fountain in the middle of the large pathway, glass windows, a large double doors and you can actually see a greenhouse at the back!

"Woah! This is so cool! I would love to live here!" You exclaimed what was meant for you to only think.

"I don't mind if you live here, my dear." Nao replied with a grin, happy that you are actually willing to live with him.

In fact, I won't mind even if you stay here with me, forever.

You had a good time with Nao in his mansion promising to come back. You went to your part time job completely oblivious to a car following you.

Makoto Ritsu

You were so excited on your first date that you can't sleep thinking of what will happen and organizing your attire.

You dressed your best outfit and went to the meeting place a little early.

Makoto came a late, running, and brought a group of gangsters trying to catch him.

You were shocked when suddenly you felt your feet hanging in the air, Makoto scooped you and carries you in his shoulder still dashing to get away from the group of gangsters.

You turned here and there until you lose the group of people following you and Makoto.

You, being a keen observer, knew that Makoto got into trouble again.

Your first date is ruined! You sulked in Makoto's shoulder as he felt your dropping mood.

"Oi! Let's go somewhere! I know a good place." He said still carrying you and not bothering to let you down.

You nodded, still sulking and let him walk to somewhere you don't know.

"Here we are! This is my secret hideout that only me knows but I shared it to you. So stop being a b*tch and brighten up." He said putting you down and pinching your cheeks.

At this knowledge you feel your chest warmed, this is a place only you and him knows! It makes you feel really special.

You looked around to find yourself in an abandon building, the ceiling is gone, there are vines covering the wall, a large tree at the center and bushes all over the place. You also noticed a ladder going up the tree.

"Let's go." He held your hand and lead you in front of the ladder.

"I'll carry your ass." He gestured for you to ride in his back (piggyback) since he noticed that you're wearing a skirt and don't want to be a pervert.

"This is my secret place, I'll come here if I feel sh*t and loosen up a bit." He informed you when you both reached the top and sitting in a large branch.

"It's beautiful." You said amazed at the view of the whole city in front of you.

"Yes. It really is." He said breathlessly looking at you and you not noticing it.

And I will do anything to make this stay with me, forever.

Ai Tachibana

Your first date with Ai is in an ocean park.

You just picked whatever clothes you have since you will look good with anything on. You're cute and you know it. But now you're running late.

You will meet with Ai at the academy's entrance, you spotted him waiting there.

"Ai-chan! Do I look cute? I chose this dress/any clothes you want) for an hour! Sorry that I'm late!" You lied and glance at Ai cutely knowing that your excuse will work.

"Anything looks good on you, Y/N! Let's go then, nya?" He took your hand and walked to the park.

Did I say that you're not that good in walking with your two legs? When you got there your feet are full of blisters and scratches from Ai's walking too fast.

You're just sitting and watching Ai bounces from one attraction to the other, his tail and ears are hidden for the humans' sake.

"Come on, Y/N! Let's go at the dolphins!" Ai shouted gesturing you to stand and follow him which you did with a fake smile and stumbled a little.

When you reached him you didn't expect what he told you.

"That's what you get for making me wait and lying, nya~" he whispered smirking deviously.

I really hate this green-eyed devil! He knew I lied! How unacceptable.

You watched fascinated by the dolphins doing their tricks, excitedly clapping at some amazing stunts while Ai is admiring you.

He thought that you're so cute being yourself and then his eyes travel to your feet.

At some point the water splashed on you and scales are forming in the places that were wetted. That amount of water is not enough to transform you back but still have some effects.

Ai insisted you to stay until the closing hours and you don't have any idea why and then he spoke.

"Take off your clothes, Y/N." He seriously asked you once all the people exited.

"Eh?! No!!" You blushed furiously, hugging yourself and backing away from him but he kept advancing until you hit the wall.

"A-Ai?! W-What's wrong with you!"

"Fine then, nya~" he smiled and carried you in his arms.


He threw you at the pool that resulted for you to go back being a mermaid.

"What's wrong with you, Ai! You must have known that I will turn back into a mermaid!" You exclaimed, mad at his sudden behavior.

"Yeah, it will also heal your feet." He responded with a cattish smile which is totally not cute at all!

"You're really an idiot!" You dived to hide your reddening face and the grin that's spreading.

As you swim, you get to feel the cold soothing again. You missed the feeling of being free to enjoy what you really like, to not pretend. In the water you can be as free as a bird, you can enjoy yourself escaping reality for a moment.

Ai watched your figure disappear, enchanted by your f/c mermaid tail that glimmers equally as the water surrounding you. He watched you swim gracefully, he watched you smile genuinely and enjoying it. He could feel his heartbeat plunctuating and warmth surrounding him as he stares at you. He's totally mesmerized and smitten by your charms.

It's your fault for seducing me. I won't ever let you escape from me, my mermaid.

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