When You Sleep Together

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Nao Sakura

You don't know why you have to share a room with Nao since this mansion is so huge and have countless of rooms. Nonetheless, you didn't complain. He's doing you a favor and he's your boyfriend.

When your body hit the soft bed you instantly fell asleep.

You're tired unpacking your things and working at one of your job that day.

Nao watches your sleeping state, admiring your long lashes, your slightly parted lips and your hair spreaded on top of your head. Seeing you before he sleep and you being the first thing he will see when he woke up brings a contented smile on his face.

"Goodnight, my queen."

Nao kissed the top of your head bringing you closer to his warm body.

Makoto Ritsu

How would a normal girl react when she got kidnapped? How about when her kidnapper is sleeping beside her?

Maybe they would be terrified, panic or even cry.

But you're not scared, no, you wanted this. You want Makoto all to yourself, you wanted him to only look at you. You didn't saw his action wrong, in fact you will also do the same to him but he kidnapped you first.

Makoto is happily sleeping in your chest while you kept on contemplating your current situation and how handsome your sleeping boyfriend is.

"I love you so much, Ma-chan." You whispered, falling asleep as well.

Makoto's eyes opened slowly as he grin.

I love you too, Y/N.

Ai Tachibana

A ticked mark appeared on your head at your unfortunate situation.

How dare him trap me like this?!

Ai's arms hugged you tightly and his legs prevented yours from moving even a bit. He's gripping you like you're a teddy bear! What's worse is he's even purring and looking that cute that you can't dare to wake him up.

You felt your face get hot when you realized that you're staring for almost twenty minutes now.

He's keeping me hostage waking him is acceptable. It's not like I'm breaking any humans' or cats' rule! He looks really comfortable though.

You decided to just sleep and let the neko enjoy himself.

The next morning, you woke up still being cuddled by your kidnapper the only difference is that he's already awake and staring at you with those green cat eyes.

"W-what are you staring at?! Get out, you perverted cat!" You shouted kicking him out from the bed and out of the room.

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