When you sing

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Nao Sakura

You're in Nao's mansion taking a look at every room you encountered.

You saw a door with a carved g clef and opened it seeing a music room filled with different kinds of instruments.

Oh, music room.

You're leaving the room when the whole thing processed in your head, you quickly got back to open it again.

It's a music room!

You went inside amazed at the different instruments all over the room. You may be not that smart but you know that you're a good performer.

You get the guitar, strumming it as your body remember the chords and plucking you used to play.

"Namae no nai, sono uta ga..🎵" You're singing one of your favorite song which is the Nameless Song by Len Kagamine.

You can feel your world fade as you're left with just your voice and the music coming from the guitar. Singing calms you and before you know it you're done with the song.

Nao heard your melodious voice singing so he rushed to where you are. Seeing you enjoying and letting the music takes you away make him fall for you even harder.

Nao specifically built that room for you, he knows how you love that form of art. He needed to make sure that where you'll be living is suitable for his queen.

Nao watched you until you're done as he clapped, proud at your talent.

You're shocked to hear Nao's clapping, you looked at him to see how he's swelling with pride at your singing.

This makes you happy, he appreciates your talent and he's proud of you!

"Nao! Did you hear me? I'm good at this, right?" You asked him beaming with joy.

"Yes, I must say that you are really good at that." He said smiling back at you.

Nao kissed you forehead, whispering how great you are.

Makoto Ritsu

You and your white haired boyfriend is in a karaoke. You're always sitting just watching Makoto sing.

He would always pester you to sing just once but you denied.

You're not a good singer and you're very much aware of it. Every time you sing you would always ended up sounding like a dying frog.


You don't want to shame yourself in front of your boyfriend but when you felt that his patience is wearing thin, you knew you have no choice.

"Y/N, could you just f*cking sing!" Makoto exclaimed making you flinch at your seat.

"Y-Yes, Ma-chan." You stand, walked on the stage, shakily grabbed the microphone and watched as the timer starts.
This is it.
You started singing, reading the words that's showing on the screen carefully. At least your lyrics are all correct, just ignore the voice. Just ignore the dying frog.

You watched Makoto's features for any sign of irritation, annoyance or maybe blood gushing out from his ears.

Fortunately, Makoto's face remain neutral until the end of the song.

You went back to your seat face blushing mad from your bad singing voice and making your boyfriend listen to it.

"You're a bad singer. It sucks." Makoto said.

You tried, you tried really hard to sing and Makoto's words stung. You feel your eyes get watery as you prepared to leave.

"But I still like it. I love your voice even though it sucked at singing." Makoto said stopping you.

"R-really?" You exclaimed looking at him with glistening eyes, really touched at his words.

"Yeah." He nod, eyes back at the screen.

You engulfed him in a tight hug which he returned.

"I really love you Ma-chan." You confess, still embracing him.

"I love you too. Now, sing for me again." Makoto released you and smirked sadistically knowing how you really hated singing.

Ai Tachibana

A mermaid who can't sing is not a mermaid at all.

Singing is a gift you have since the day you were born. Naturally, you're a great singer.

Ai know this and wanted to hear you sing. He asked you so many times that you just agreed to make him stop.

For example, you were walking to your first class and don't want to be late when Ai ran to you.

"Yyyy///Nnnnn! Will you sing for me please?? Nya?" He asked looking directly at you with his green orbs.

"N-No!" You answered him, embarrassed at his stare.

You leave him and proceeded with your class.

Lunch time, you're eating with your neko boyfriend when he grabbed your utensils refusing to give it back unless you sing.

"Sing for me first, nya~" he teased raising the utensils higher out of your reach.

You gave up and grabbed his spoon instead, continuing to eat your food.

"It's an indirect kiss, Y/N! You could've ask me to kiss you, nya~" he said waving his spoon in front of you staring at you knowingly. How did he get that from you? I don't know.

"I-It's an a-accident! You wouldn't give me my utensils back, idiot!" You stuttered face bright red.

Seeing you get embarrass by this, he pecked your lips enjoying its softness as he spoke.

"Then I'll kiss you until you said yes, nya~"

He really did kiss you every time you said no and it would always irritate you when you would blush and get flustered so you gave up and agreed.

Ai searched for a place where he is the only one who can hear your voice.

That place is near a cliff where you can see the glorious waves of the ocean and the rays of sunlight reflecting, giving an illusion of diamonds scattered in the water.

Seeing this, you can't help but sing. It is the first time you visited the vast ocean for years and you greatly miss it.

Ai, hearing you sing, is enchanted once again. He would memorize all the notes you hit, the way your lips curled showing how much you love singing, the gentle wind caressing your hair and the way you're e/c eyes looked at him like the song is for him and only for him.

You continued singing, nonchalant of how a single thing you love could cause you so much harm.

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