'Staying' In His House

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Nao Sakura

"Y/N, you will be living with me from now on." Nao said staring at you with his brown eyes intensely.

You gulped, not understanding where all of this is coming from.

"Why?" You asked returning his stare.

"I am aware of the part time jobs you have to support yourself, I can't just let my girlfriend carry all those responsibilities. Would you share some of your burden with me by letting me provide a home?" Nao explained to finally hold you in his grip.

You agreed.

It would help you greatly since you won't have to worry about the rent.

Later that day you're shocked to see your house completely bare, all of your things are nowhere insight.

"I took care of it, your things are already in my house." Nao said, satisfied with his accomplishment.

I'm so lucky to have a very thoughtful boyfriend!

Makoto Ritsu

"S-senpai.. I-I can't .. S-s-sorry!" You bowed deeply at your senpai, apologizing for your absence.

You will be having a club meeting after school but your red-eyed boyfriend insists you not to attend. He said that he doesn't want 'his' to be surrounded by men and being the good girlfriend you are, you obey him.

"But we need you, Y/N-san!" He stopped you by pulling your arm.

Unfortunately, Makoto got to see this. Fist clenched tightly, he approached you and harshly pull you to his side causing the senpai to release you.

"H-Hey, Ritsu-sa--" senpai was cut off by the fuming albino punching his face repeatedly until he collapsed on the floor. Makoto, still not satisfied kept on kicking the poor senpai until he's barely breathing.

"M-ma-chan.." You uttered calmly as to not intensify your boyfriend's rage.

Makoto turned to you and lifted a white handkerchief, you definitely know what will take place next.

"I'm not planning on doing this too early." Your boyfriend quietly said, eyes darkening as he quickly cover your nose and mouth with the piece of cloth.

You tried not to breathe but failed as you  feel your consciousness slipping away.

Soon, you woke up at an unknown room laying comfortably at a soft bed.

Ai Tachibana

You slowly opened your eyes and became aware of the warm water surrounding you.


Then you recalled fainting and Ai catching you before you fall to the cold floor.

Why did I faint again?

You concentrated on that particular memory and remembered all bits of information.

Ai's acting strange and I didn't have any supply of water that time.

Having that cleared, you glanced at the place you're in. You're trapped in a huge glass aquarium, at the other side you could see a wide room where Ai visibly stare at you.

"Ai!" You swam towards him, stopping just before you would hit the thick glass separating you from him.

"I'm already fine, you can let me out now Ai." You said, bubbles forming with every word you utter.

"I'll let you out Y/N, but not this time. You need to stay there for a while, nya." You hear him say at the other side.

You watched your blonde boyfriend's tail swished from side to side, a wide grin plastered on his face and a delighted stare pointed at you. Your brain worked and connected all the possible theories. Why he was so strange that time that he didn't let you have any water and why he brought you in this deserted island that you can clearly see at the other side of this prison.

"You will let me out of this glass but not out of this place. Right, Ai?" You concluded.

He gave you an enthusiastic nod making your assumption valid.

"As expected of my Y/N! But I can see that you still don't know the most important part, nya~"

Why did Ai kidnap me? What  is his intention? But keeping me near the ocean might be both a good and a bad thing.

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