★ [TRENTE HUIT]: 0509

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ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।


"You can skip the act because she knows bullsh*t when she smells it. She doesn't want a fairytale. She just wants real."


may 9, wednesday, cafeteria


"Man, you like Funneh don't you?" I grimaced at the thought of it. I don't like her, right? Prince laughed at my reaction. "Yeah yeah whatever, laugh at me. I don't like her," I admit.

Prince drinks his daily caffeine, looking at me with a grin. "You know how to debunk certain feelings?" I ignore him. "You kiss her." I instantly looked back at him with a 'what-the-f*ck' face.

I was about to stop him when he gripped my wrist. "You wait for me to finish explaining!" I sigh in exasperation. "When you kiss her, and when you feel something, you like her."

I raise an eyebrow. "What do you mean feel something? A feeling of disgust?" Prince shakes his head and points to his chest. "When you feel your heart beating fast and your-wait! You've had a girlfriend before right? Haven't you ever kissed her?"

I shrugged. "Three years ago. I was thirteen. It was a disgusting relationship. I was fourteen and she was seventeen." Prince grimaced at the info that he had just recieved.

"That's disgusting, you were fourteen meaning that you had a three year age gap with her? And Evan had a two year age gap with her? Sooo, Evan likes young girls!" I nodded, picking at my food now.

I could care less about her. She doesn't matter to me anymore. "Yeah, I was weird back then, pathetic me." I admit. "But~ Funneh is the same age as you! But you are older by four months!"

I nod and ignore him. "Whatever." I state, it was time for class again. Prince stands up and disposes his food tray. Patting my back, he displays a playful smirk. "Test it out buddy!"

I roll my eyes, he was stupid. But. . why did I have the urge to try it?



I was packing my bag with a few things, pencils, paper, my new copy and more. I bid my mother with a kiss and I left. I had been developing a better relationship with her.

"When will you be back Funneh?" She asks, typing away in her computer. "Uhh, maybe in a few hours." I hear the doorbell ring to see Alec.

I dropped my backpack to open the door. "Oh so you came here before me?" I ask, he nods. "Yeah, it's better to do it in your place."

My mother stands up, "Oh, Funneh, the house is yours for a moment. I have a quick meeting, do you need anything?" I shake my head.

Alec and I both climb upstairs to start our session. I jumped back to bed and threw Alec a new copy. "Give me your old one, let's see if you are progressing."


"Hmm, good job." I congratulate him, He stays silent for awhile. "Is anything on your mind?" I ask, he assures my thoughts with shaking his head.

I was leaning on the wall now. He stands up to face my small figure. "Can I test something?" I slightly nod in reluctance. "Close your eyes for a moment, and never open them until I tell you to." That was strange.

I closed my eyes and shut them tight. When I feel him palm on my lips, I ignore the strange feeling. I soon open my eyes in curiosity to see Alec's face centimeters from mine.

His lips were pressing on the back of his palm. When he backed away that's when I started to talk. "W-What t-the hell was that-?!!" I confronted him. My heart was pounding fast. My cheeks were burning.

He sits calmly back down on my chair. "It was a kiss idiot, don't act dense." I raise an eyebrow. "Then why did you block our lips with your palm?" He shrugged. "I figured that your breath will probably stink."

"Hey!" I yell.

Alec looks at me with such intensity that his glaze was burning me. "Why? Do you want me to really kiss you then?"

I shake my head repeatedly, "H-Hell no." He stood up from my chair to grab his back. "That's what I thought."

W-What the hell was he thinking?! And am I having a heart attack? Why the hell is my heart beating so fast?! No! I couldn't like that freak!



What the hell were you thinking Alec. Why the hell is this happening? Why are you coming to terms that you like her? Why?

"Did you try it on Alec?" I saw Prince, I didn't even notice him as I was thinking too much. "N-no."

Prince raises an eyebrow. "By the blush on your cheeks and your red ear I suppose you did." I shake my head repeatedly. "Nope."

Prince walks by me. "If you say so lover boy."

I quickly walk home being greeted by my mother and my father. I reached my room and locked my door. I didn't know that I would feel such feelings again.

My heart was beating abnormally fast, my cheeks were burning the color red and my ear was also hot. This happened when I was with my past girlfriend. I had never thought I'd find another girl.

Someone was knocking on my door. I opened it to see my mother. "What are you doing at this hour? Have you eaten?" I grab my phone from my pocket.

"I'm changing my passcode." I type in a new passcode: 0509. "Hmm, are you up for dinner?" I shake my head. "I'm not hungry, I ate already."

My mother slowly nodded then closed my door. I changed into my sleeping attire and slept with an abnormally beating heart, burning cheeks and a red ear. I was a mess, why did I even do that anyways?

I was stupid. But, it did made me realize some stuff. That I am terribly getting used to Funneh. That, I got used to her too much by ending up liking her.

EDITED: APRIL 30, 2018

That's French, Love (FALEC)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें