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PROLOGUE: She's Back

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PROLOGUE: She's Back

"Never miss out on a good person that can make your life great just because they're a little difficult, good ones never come easy."


© drivinginsane



My life was a rollercoaster of emotions. Being dragged into a volleyball game didn't really seem to be the best thing to do to pass the time. I mean, watching the volleyball game wasn't mandatory, but it was still necessary for my bestfriend Gold.

She is my one and only friend, and I know. That may seem sad. But too me, having one friend is enough. I didn't need attention.

I didn't even need anything from people that will only use me for their own benefits. I had downsides to my life, I had good things about me.

Like I am smart, I am pretty, and I am overall really studios. But. . I am a narcissist, I don't like people. I have a bad attitude, then it's whatever. I just like studying. It's almost like a passion. Learning about new facts and storing it in my brain is just interesting to me.

Not watching a stupid volleyball game. Kyran was one of the players. He was also my brother. Gold was sitting beside me and squealing. She was obssessed with this guy. Thus, turning her into a crazy pyscho and also for her being mistaken as the crazy fangirl.

I rolled my eyes at her sillyness. Gold was used to the weird looks. "Funneh! Where the heck is my phone—?! I need to take a shot at those hot abs!"

I clicked my tongue in distaste and grimaced. Gold's face being displaced with an apologetic look. "I'm sorry! I got carried away! But anyways, thank you for my phone!" I handed her phone as she thankfully took it from me.

Gold was pretty, she was fairly smart. And she was honorable, has dignity. That's why I picked her to become my friend. Because she respected herself enough to let go from a terrible relationship even though she loved the person.

She was a good person. That's why I respected her too.

"Gold, why do like Kyran?" I already knew the answer though, because my brother was the best man to have in your life. The best person to talk to, to vent to, and to just love as a family.

He was the best man I've ever had in my life of either childhood or teenagehood. He controlled me. He helped me differentiate right from wrong.

Gold smiled widely, her smile almost reaching her ears. She was happy. Like talking about my brother was the best thing. "He is. . just so, perfect. He has all the wanted attributes, he's kind, he's smart. . he's . . hot."

I never understood the concept of having a crush. Or just, overall, liking someone in general. They say. . that your heart beats faster than normal when you see him/her, you blush when you talk to him/her and you just smile and forget about the worries.

But. . I really didn't have the time to just, like someone. It wasn't really a priority.

I didn't have to love someone, but I had to like someone? I scratched my head at the thought and easily shrugged the lingering concept.

I heard the girls behind me. Talking togther, laughing, gossiping, talking crap about someone or something. There were loud voices. "Ayano is back." That made me pause for a second to give me time to digest that information. "She even has pictures!" I heard the girl showing her 'friends' the picture.

There were a series of what's and no ways heard in my head. I was wondering on why my parents didn't mention anything of her coming back.

They were probably too excited and forgot about me. I turned to the girls that were obnoxiously talking in a corner. "A-Ayano's back—?"

One girl rolled her eyes and grimaced. "Eavesdropper! And yeah, why? Scared that someone's going to overthrown your sad arse?" I scoff, offended at her assuming statement and grabbed her phone from her weak grip.

"Hey! That's mine!"

After grabbing a quick glance at the screen, I had gave the phone back and quickly grabbed my backpack. I finally had an excuse to quit watching the volleyball tournaments; it was so boring that it was severely killing me in the insides.

I felt kind've bad that I had left Gold sitting there but I guess she doesn't mind? I mean, obviously she would pick ABS versus GOING HOME. 

I tried to inform Gold but she kept pushing my words away and telling me that 'she's busy'. I rolled my eyes in exasperation and rolled off the court.

I quickly pushed pass through the bustling halls of this prestigious school and called for my driver to come pick me up. Normally, he'd arrive early.

But he came in late.

Just so you know Ayano. I'll give you a favor and return everything you've done to me.

EDITED: APRIL 15, 2018

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