★ [DEUX]: Caught In Lies

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[DEUX]: Caught In Lies

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[DEUX]: Caught In Lies

"We don't pick who we fall inlove with. And it never happens like it should."



I barge into Ayano's room with crossed my arms. Ayano quickly ended her call and glares at me im a menacing manner. "What do you want freak?" I laugh boisterously.

"Acting like you don't know?" Ayano's face turns pink as she stays silent but keeps her nasty glare.

"Stop lying Ayano." I tell, with a grin plastered on my face. Ayano's face distorted with complete rage."LEAVE!" I look to my right to see my bracelet.

The was the one that I had been looking for the past few months. Only to find out that it had been sitting on her drawer the whole time.

I've only realized that Ayano steals things too. So many things I don't know about this girl. And so many more yet to discover.

"Wait, let me take my things first." I grab my pearl bracelet and split it apart. It was decorated with white pearls with a gold symbol in the middle part engraved. My name was on it. It was already frail.

It wasn't really important so with a bit mugh more force, it would definitely break it. I threw my bracelet into the trash and turned my head to Ayano.

"Next time, don't steal." I slammed her door and left her room. I didn't know that she was a thief! Many more reasons to hate her.

I guess you learn new things everyday. I huff to myself and enter the kitchen to grab myself a glass of water to cool my temper down.

Ayano is a virus for negative emotions. Everytime I see her, I get heated and my temper breaks loose. I walk back to my room.

I lock my door incase that pyschopath had anything planned. Then switched my lights off and went to sleep with my alarm ready to beep anytime.

Oh right, we had no schools tomorrow.


Someone knocks on my room loudly with those knocks I'd doubt it would be Ayano. I open my door to see Kyran with an emotion I can't comprehend while he sits down on my spiny chair.

"I heard what happened again." I sigh deeply and burrow my head onto my pillow.

"Yeah, whatever." Kyran shakes my shoulders and I look at him in exasperation. "Stop the fight Funneh! Just act mature! I'm sure that she'll return the favor."

I shake my head at Kyran and glare at him. "Kyran, shut up. You're not me and I am not you. So stop trying." Kyran walks away with a sigh and I dive back to sleep. He must've given up.

After a few minutes; I had already gotten dressed and was just casually sitting down on one of the tables. When Ayano walks up to me with a smile.

I look around if something is wrong and I see our parents are there. I internally sigh of hell and look at her back. "What?" She smiles at me sweetly.

"Can you please buy me some food and . . cosmetics? I'm running out." She sadly excused. My parents obviously heard the conversation and I was not backing down.

"I'm sorry, no." My parents face were written in disbelief and Ayano displayed a confused-sad emotion.

"Nothing is going to harm you when you buy it for your sister Funneh, please she just may be tired from her flight yesterday." She secretly sticks her tongue at me and hands me a couple of dollars.

"Thank you Eve." I rolled my eyes. "Eva." I then left the house to find the stupid things that Ayano left me to buy. Where was I supposed to go? She gave me a dollar.

So, I decided to walk to the dollar store. Whatever I find there I'll buy. I found some cheap lip tints, cheap makeup brushes and barbie lipsticks to come with and went to the cash register and placed the items that I've decided to buy.

"Cette fille stupide! Me demandant d'acheter des trucs inutiles comme des cosmétiques et de la nourriture! Est-ce qu'elle pense que nous sommes pauvres? Il suffit d'aller dans un coin et elle trouvera facilement une femme de ménage!"

I quietly mutter under my breath. When the man finally finished scanning all the things that I bought, I asked for the price. "Combien ça coûte?" Oh shoot, I spoke French.

"It's about. . five dollars." I quietly hand my money. "You actually understand me?" The male nodded his head. "I work for a family that speaks French all the time. So overtime, I kind've understanded them a bit. But y'know, there's a boy in the family who does not want to learn it. Very stubborn."

I nodded my head understanding and thanked him. I walked away from the dollar store and went to a bakery instead. Seeing all the baked pastries just made my mouth water and Ayano asked for food right?

As I came back home; I see Ayano typing down on her phone with our parents beside her. I enter the house and hand the plastic bag to Ayano.

"There you go Ayano, happy now?" Ayano looked at the bag in shock and back to me.

"Uhh. . h-happy! T-Thanks!" I quietly walk back up stairs and laid down on my bed in exhaustion. That was an exercise. I had a few seconds to myself as I took the oppotunity to memorize new french words and officially add them to my vocabulary.

Even though I had understanded French there are still words that I had to furthur more understand the meaning and use in a sentence correctly. So I had placed my focus on my French and recited it all over again.

"Funneh! Funneh!"

I hurriedly slided out of my room as I quickly climbed down the stairs. "What?" I panted in disaster. "Can you please sit with us?" My mother smiled sweetly and I smiled back.

It wasn't like I had any choice. I sighed quietly to myself as I sat down beside Kyran and Ayano. Infact, I was in between.

The maid opened the door for me to see parents a redheaded guy. I had opened the door to meet their mixed glances. I display a fake smile and shaked their hands.

"Uhh, pleasure to meet you, my names Funneh. Funneh Devin." The lady smiled to shake my hand back.

"Pleasure to meet you too, I'm Jade Reed, Alec's mom."


-That stupid girl! Asking me to buy useless stuff like cosmetics and food! Does she think we're poor? Just go to one corner and she'll easily find a maid!

-How much is it?)

EDITED: APRIL 19, 2018

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