★ [TRENTE DEUX]: Confrontation Was A Habit

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[TRENTE DEUX]: Confrontation Was A Habit

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[TRENTE DEUX]: Confrontation Was A Habit

"She's not perfect, she is madness. And madness is a beautiful irony where perfection and flaws are the best of friends."


may 5, saturday, public library


I had patiently waited for the bluenette. She was making me wait so long. When she had finally arrived, she dropped her bag on her table and sighed. "I was sorry for yesterday, I really had to attend important matters." Funneh sighed.

I nodded nonchalantly, "Yeah, whatever." Funneh grabs the paper that I was gripping hardly and accidentally ripped it. "Sh*t." I rolled my eyes. "What's up with you?" I asked, Funneh crouched to pick up the ripped pieces. "Huh? What do you mean?"

I watched her continously picking up the scraps of ripped paper. "You seem. . very distracted today." I state. "Uhm yeah, about that, talk to me later outside. I need to ask you something." I nod and bite my pencil.

"Yeah, sure, whatever."


"So, what did you want to talk about?" Funneh picked up her falling bag on her shoulder to push it up again. "Yeah, I saw you at the cemetary yesterday." sh*t. how does this girl ask it so nonchalantly? "Hmm, what about it?"

Funneh looked at me, "Yeah, if it's not a uh, problem? Then can I ask what. . happened?" I shrug, "My brother died, and yeah, things just went downhill. He was a uh, good one. He was the best."

She nodded in understanding and I had snapped out of my trance. "Why did I even tell you about him anyways?" I muttered bitterly. "Yeah, why did you?" I stay silent. "Uhm, just thought that you would. . understand?" I awkwardly retort. Funneh glances at me.

"And. . how would you know any correlation of emotions between us? You aren't psychic aren't you?"

I scoff, "Pssh, thoss cheap people who scam for money? Who does that dumb act anyways anymore?" Funneh laughed, she is so annoying. "Anyways, mom told me to invite you."

I raised an eyebrow. "Invite me to what? What's happening?" Funneh opened her bag to fish out an invitation. "It's Ayano's birthday tomorrow." I roll my eyes, oh that girl? "Tss, that girl, why do you even do stuff for her when she just beats your personality all the time?"

Funneh shrugged in return. "Well, I'm unsure too. She's just a . . sister, and I still am expected to still love her secretly."

I grab the invitation from her. "Well, I'll try to." Funneh nods and thanks me for my time, while I scurry back to the car and lean.

Was I going to even attend?



I had handed out the invitation to Alec. What I've realized was he was suprisingly open to admit, he revealed a few things about his brother. But it was still vague info.

I rode my way home and had arrived the same time Kyran had, "When is your next game?" I asked boringly, just to strike up small talk. "I guess in a uh, few months," I nod.

"Did you hand the invitation to your sweet ol' honey—?" I rolled my eyes and pretended to puke. Kyran and I were bursting laughing. Soon, Ayano was infront of us wearing her bitter frown. "Get to work you to! Stop playing around like this is some stupid joke! Tomorrow is an important day!"

I couldn't help it though. "What is tomorrow? Oh, your debut. Congratulations on being an adult, debutant." I say with pure sarcasm.

Ayano rolls her eyes and walks past me,  Kyran laughs suddenly. "Like I was reading a book, everything seemed to click just like one." I rolled my eyes. "Boring book, I wouldn't even read it."

As Kyran and I both seperate ways I come across my mother. "Have you given the invitation?" I sighed. "Why does everyone ask me that? Why not, Funneh, how was your trip? Funneh, are you okay? Because if you want the answer mom then its a yes. I'm not that irresponsable girl that you think I am." I retort, my mother's face morphs into concern.

"We'll talk about this after Ayano's party. I'll explain, even with Kyran. Just please Funneh, stop acting like this." I avoided my mother's remorseful gaze. "Huh, let's see if that promise fulfills, maybe another meeting will pop up. Let's see tomorrow's excuse."

I mutter angrily and walked away. My mother didn't mutter anything anymore, and I was finally fine with that. My mother might do that, but I still have hope.

Maybe I'll be able to change things between my mother and I, maybe our relationship. I am not sure, but I couldn't help it but feel hopeful.

My brain longs to get this feeling to fade while my heart longs for my feeling of despair to evaporate and all awkwardness with my mother fade away.

I still wish for my mother's happiness, and I don't know on why.

EDITED: APRIL 24, 2018

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