★ [ONZE]: Why Are You Crying?

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[ONZE]: Why Are You Crying?

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[ONZE]: Why Are You Crying?

"She's been through a lot, you know? Life has taught her and she has learned to prepare for the worst. Just understand that about her. She needs your patience and if you don't have it, then walk out of her life. Because you may be sunshine, but she is still ready for the storm."


april 27, friday, funneh's house


"Funneh! How dare you disrespect your sister! Straighen up your stupid attitude! It isn't going to help you in the long haul! Apologise to your sister!"

"Oh so I'm at fault?! I am always being blamed, being thought of as the suspect! I am so freaking tired of always being broken down by people who don't know the whole story! So can you please stop judging me?! I'm so freaking tired!" Funneh retorted.

I closed my eyes and shaked my head in regret. Why did I even bother coming here? I quickly hid in a corner while the argument between Funneh and her parents were ongoing.

It was just a war filled with Funneh trying to defend herself and her parents shaking off her concerns. "Go to your room."

They commanded her as she slowly walks to her room, weeping and sobbing. I still was being hidden behind a flower pot and it wasn't a comfortable place to be.

Funneh's parents picked their phones up and contacted different people for meetings and stuff. It even seemed like they didn't even care. They soon walked out of the house for their meetings and I had just been sitting here for about twenty minutes and listening to their useless conversations.

I had planned to walk to Funneh's room and act like nothing happened and my eyes didn't witness anything. But that was going to be pretty hard since everytime I look at Funneh I remember her pathetic crybaby face.

I rolled my eyes and started heading for Funneh's room. I still heard loud sobs illuminating from her room.

I had basically—or just partially sneaked into her room. I mean, I had seen it before but just . . in a lazy view.

I had walked inside and looked around once more. Nothing had changed obviously.

Just that everything was messy. Maybe she had a tantrum—? Whatever. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. "Pourquoi pleurer?" And this was an attempted French of mine.

I knew it was bad. Funneh quickly turned around and wiped her tears. This was the first time I felt responsible.

I had scanned around to see a box of tissues and quickly handed them to this crying bluenette.

As I handed the box of tissues, "Pourquoi pleures-tu? You missed the words you and are. So you basically asked me why crying?" I rolled my eyes at her audacity to even correct me after her loud sobs and stupid quirks. "Whatever. I can't attend the session today by the way, I have to attend volleyball practice." I excuse myself.

It had been several days that I had missed. But my coach doesn't mind. Even if I don't attend practice, I still excel in what I do.

"Then why is your mother telling me that you have sessions today?" I crossed my arms and glared at her.

"She never wanted me to play anyways. Don't tell. Or else face the consequences." I had warned her with a glowering face.

"You don't scare me, but anways, thank you for your time to tell me. And. ." Funneh had shot a smirk at my direction.

"Thank you for giving yourself a chance to speak French. Atleast you've improved." Funneh shot a sweet smile at me and I turned around to walk away.

Only to return that smile, but with her not knowing. Smiles are really contagious.



Alec already had left my room. I had been smiling for a few minutes because I had found out that I had impact on him. That with everything I taught him some passed through his ears then to his brain.

My head was sweating in excitement. And I had forgotten about the fight with Ayano I had gotten myself into. I instantly grabbed my phone and texted Alec.

funneh: meet me in the public library.

alec: tsk. what time?

funneh: about. . eight. have any problem with that? any curfews?

alec: i'm not a kid, and i'm fine with the time.

funneh: :))

I scurry through my drawers to finally find my charger. This day was exhausting. I saw Ayano pour something into my drink.

It was a . . pill or a powder or something. I just don't know what the hell it is.

When I saw it, I just had the motive to pour it on top of her head like what she'd done to me a few days ago.

But of course; everyone sees the good in her and the bad in her. She's always the angel and I'm the devil.

That's how the world sees us both. I'm the troublemaker that ruins her sister's repuatation and the person that keeps distracting her or stealing everything from her.

But Ayano, that's when you get hot blood. I had just the time or the day to when I explode in anger. I might turn into a ruthless sister.

And it's not going to be very pretty. I had just sighed onto my palm in distress and laid down on my bed. I was filled with mixed emotions.

I picked my phone up to see it sufficiently charged. I unplugged it from my charger and started to contact Gold's number.

"What funneh? I'm busy admiring Kyran's abs!!!"

"Eww, keep that statement to yourself. Anyways, i want to talk to you about my feelings. You obviously know what happened earlier."

"yeah, and . . are you okay? I'm kind've worried about your emotional state lately since Ayano had arrived."

"Don't worry about me, I'm just. . confused on why. . why. . i am always being judged by people who don't know. Who don't know on what I've gone through. I'm just tired Gold."

Atleast I have Gold by my side to comfort me and tell me everything is okay even if it isn't.


- why crying? -alec

-why are you crying? -funneh

EDITED: APRIL 19, 2018

That's French, Love (FALEC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora