★ [UN]: Favoritism

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[UN]: Favoritism

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[UN]: Favoritism

"Don't think. It complicates things. Just feel, and if it feels like home, then follow its path."



I sigh deeply with my mind filling with excitement and nervousness. There's a thrill when a person you dearly hate comes back with a vendetta. My hands were sorta sweaty so I had faced them towards the air conditioner inside the car.

"How was your day Miss Devin?" I ignore the driver and later on decided to answer. "Got gossiped about for sending nosy people to the hospital."

The driver's face drained of color and he then kept his silence. I smiled in triumph and faced the window.

It just disturbs me seeing Ayano's face again. She was pretty, she was smart, she was appealing to men, and she was perfect.

It brought me the pathetic memories of me swimming in fear of her striking again and humiliating me, killing my self-esteem and just . . made my life living hell.

The driver dropped me off and I was just met with different possibilities of what would happen if I had entered this house.

I continuosly walked inside the house to see Ayano looking around with a perplexed expression. She had an expensive bag slinging on her arm. "Ooh, a pleasure seeing you around sister." I cooed as Ayano's head turns to my direction.

She eyes me from up to down and glares. "Funny, you've changed Eve." My name seemed to roll off her tongue like butter and it kind've freaked me a teeny bit.

"You not too much you're now more of a . . freak I see." Ayano's face shifted into a amused expression then walked towards me.

She picked her coffee cup that I guess she'd bought from one of the famous coffee shops in Paris. "You're just jealous, y'know, I feel generous today. I'll kindly give you a taste of Paris. And mind you, you've been missing alot darling."

Ayano's tone composed of farther more amusment. She walks closer to me inorder to tip the coffee on my head and leaving me drenched in that substance.

It aggravated me; the way that Ayano still had control over my emotions even after many years.

We both turned around to hear a clicking sound from the door. Ayano didn't have time to run as Kyran quickly entered the house and looked at me with a raised eyebrow then bounces his vision to Ayano. "Y-You're here?!"

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