★ [SEIZE]: A Matter Of Thoughts

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[SEIZE]: A Matter Of Thoughts

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[SEIZE]: A Matter Of Thoughts

"Don't take her for granted, even when her wall comes down. She still has her guard up and that will take some time for her to work out. Because it is a big world and it is a bit scary without walls."


april 30, monday, streets


I had thought about the productivity that I had done to the extent with Alec. For some reason, he seemed to be cooperating with me a bit faster. And when I say that, he usually isn't like this.

He would groan, moan, scoff at me before he would even cooperate. And that seemed to really freak me out.

Since that I had figured that it would be another day of telling him to profusely try and try again.

I had thought about my dad when I was walking home from the public library. I had thought about his lectures about life and whatnot. Telling me that people have differences, and telling me a generous tons of lies before I can even figured it out.

He told me that everyone had a sense of good in them.

But I didn't see anything with Ayano. She was an evil b*tch that had no intention but to break me apart.


My thoughts lingered as I had just arrived home. I was scurring through my closet while Ayano had entered my room eagerly, "Anything more to say to me? You said we'll continue the fight, right?"

I had just rolled my eyes and scoffs. It was pretty much harder to contain myself when in person.

"Are you pathetic? Starting a fight? No thanks." I retorted to try to resolved an upcoming fight. I didn't want to fight anymore.

I was tired of her. Of her petty combacks and playing like she stands on higher a pedastool unlike the rest of us just because she attended higschool in Paris.

Ayano laughed, "Oh are we scared now are we?" I rolled my eyes at her and slowly started to clean up my things. "Shut it Ayano, like you would want to recieve a deserving slap."

Ayano's arms morphed into a crossing figure. "Like you would, you know I could easily tell on you. And—?! What happened to your outfit? Trying to be a farmer? Oh, I get it. You were visiting your pathetic father from the farm, ooh hooh, so from the looks of it you weren't rich like us. Accept that your useless father left you for his farm animals. Be happy that we flipped that status around."

She was inquiring that we were poor before but turned rich when they arrived into the picture. My fists clenched and I she had a few sexonds to turn around and avoid my outburst.

But she decided to stick around instead.

"Listen, Ayano. Listen very carefully and don't just let this into one ear to another. My father isn't alive. He is dead." Tears streamed down my face, and Ayano was blank. My voice was firm but also very shaken. "He passed away before you came here. We were rich even without you. My mother just had a rough time to cope and just everything happened so fast. Don't you dare talk about my father like sh*t. Listen here, brat. You avoid me at all costs and I'll happily oblige."

I warned her carefully and pushed her out of my room. I'll forgive Ayano for her deeds but not when it involves in insulting my father. How dare that b*tch!

She thought that our father left him when they arrived?! That crazy little—! Anger boiled inside me as I was ready to dispurse.

I was going crazy inside. But all I could've done was threw my things around and let my anger control me.

Ayano was a b*tch and I couldn't deny it. I thought I was giving her tough love? But no.

That's over. I'm going to scrap that idea and just go on to destroying her. The next time, Ayano Devin, you'll face the consequences. Hard.



I still couldn't sleep with her image in my mind. Her eyes were almost swollen and she was very distraught. I couldn't shrug it off.

Because that was how I had felt before. I could never forget about the time I had to announce a speech. I had cried and sobbed right there and apologising profusely.

Everyone was sad for me. And at the end of my speech I just stammered and stuttered and just was crying all over again.

After I had finished, everyone apologised to me and felt sorry for me. It was the most terrible feeling.

The feeling when it was your fault but everyone didn't know. My heart was pounding loudly in my chest. My eyes were stinging in pain, and I was lost in my mind.

My mother and father tried to make me open up. But I stayed silent. I secretly was blaming myself, even if they told me any of it wasn't my damn fault.

It was a tough year for me. Guaranteed.

All of just thinking about this girl. .

My mind flashed to my mere menories of pain, heartbreak and dealing with loss. So many things that made me distracted, so many things that have made me scream in pain at a gravestone.

Maybe, she could just maybe? Understand my pain, maybe? Someone I could talk to? I shrug my thoughts again and shake those thoughts out of my head. But. .

Finally someone understands me.

EDITED: APRIL 20, 2018

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