★ [DIX-SEPT]: Sibling Rivalry To The Next Level-?!

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[DIX-SEPT]: Sibling Rivalry To The Next Level—?!

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[DIX-SEPT]: Sibling Rivalry To The Next Level—?!

"She was always told that she was pretty, but it never really meant anything to her, that's just something people say who have never red the book, but look at the cover and like to think they have."


song used: Cantarella (Piano Version)

(play it while you're reading ;>)

may 1, tuesday, park


I had just came home. And I had a plan to lead Ayano at the park and she refused, until our parents finally agreed with me. Ayano acted like she wasn't fazed at all, until we walked away from them. She was putting on a show. "What are we doing here?!"

I rolled my eyes and find a patch where there was a bunch of mud. There wasn't really alot of people around. It was late in the afternoon, and I had to do it quick before anyone notices.

Ayano was about to leave me alone when I pulled her towards me with smirk visible on my face, "See you in the shower." Then I had pushed her towards the patch of mud.

It had been raining yesterday and created many patches of them. But this was the largest one. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and snapped a quick shot of her in the mud while screaming.

"You b*tch! Get me out of here!" Ayano angrily screeched while I left her there, if I would've helped her she might've just pulled me with her.

The sight of her struggling made me remorseful. But hey, this was revenge, spiteful revenge. Then, a thought popped into my mind slowly scaring me. I was the monster. I was the girl that drowned in my anger.

Whatever Ayano, this happens when you mess Funneh Devin's life. I'll make your life hell b*tch. Call me a monster, I just want her to know what I felt.


Our parents had left for their meetings. My father in his buisness, and my mother in her fashion designing. Ayano eventually came back yelling and screaming in extreme anger.

I had posted the picture and many people already had acknowledged my post. They shared it, and mocked Ayano for her being disgusting. I wouldn't be surprised if she saw the post, she was always a social butterfly.

That knew everything about everyone. She calculated every move. But from what I did, I think I had just served her right.

Ayano kept barging into my room and screaming at me to delete the post.

"You f*cking monster! Delete that f*cking post b*tch!" It was like the hundredth time. I had locked my door to make sure she wasn't going to kill me with my back facing her.

Eventually, Ayano had stopped, she had walked away. But I knew she had something else in plan. I was always prepared when it came to her, she was unexpectedly always a surprise.

I couldn't help but feel bad. But I ignored my lingering thoughts and kept it posted there, until our parents arrived. So I had deleted that post before she could tell on me.

"Daddy! Funneh posted an inappropriate picture of me! She ignores my commands on deleting it! She's embarrassing me!" I hear Ayano's voice as I grin.

Moments later my parents barged into my room with Ayano's eyes glinted with amusement as she crossed her arms."Ayano had told us that you had posted a picture of her that she didn't consent you to post." My mother told me as I rolled my eyes.

"Check my account, it isn't even there." Ayano's eyes widened and our parents looked back at her direction.

They checked my account to see no nothing and left it there. Ayano's eyes glared at me, "You were plotting this all along didn't you?" I sigh.

"So sad, you trying to get our parents sympathy, oh Ayano, raise your head up and know that our parents isn't always going to be there for you. To defend. . you." I told her honestly, pointing my pointer finger towards her grunting figure. Ayano's glare getting more intense.

Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment and she gradually stomped out of my room. "Never forget that I'm going to get you back, mark my f*cking words."

I knew what I did was terrible, but, she did me far more worse.



I had been thinking about everything lately. I had been thinking about the bluenette, my studies, volleyball, my passion and just everything.

I was aggrevated in a way that I couldn't memorize the French words. It was too hard for me. But that stupid bluenette, would always push me. Push me to my limits, until I do it.

I was going to take a break for awhile. Visit somewhere, or just something. I heard my phone vibrate as I had checked to see on what it was. Prince texted me.

prince(aka a volleyball player that is a loser): heyy! have you seen that picture that funneh posted! it was about her sister ayano! drenched in mud! but, she had deleted it now so, maybe she got in trouble.

I saw the picture that Prince sent me and facepalmed myself in annoyance. Why couldn't have she just left her sister alone? Was it that hard? She was turning into a monster, a monster like her sister.

I didn't know on why I felt concerned. That I just wanted Funneh to understand that this wasn't the way to resolve a problem. Ayano's just going to fight stronger and willingly.

I had wished that she had used her brain, she was smart afterall, so why just why could she have gotten that she was destroying herself. Her heart, her pride, her dignity and throwing it into the trash.

I didn't know why I did this but I texted Kyran and told him. He was probably busy in practice. I was stuck at home again, since my mother had caught me sneaking out.

alec: ky, funneh and ayano are a mess. talk to funneh again, she needs attention and love for now.

She asked me why I couldn't quit and the only thing I could've said was, "Why? Why are you dragging my passion away from me? The only thing keeping me alive?"

She told me it was for the best. I could see the sadness in her eyes. But I knew that my mother felt happy that I was happy because of it, volleyball. But for her to see her little innocent boy flying away from her. Breaking himself apart, and tearing himself to pieces.

He was the broken boy, and he was also seeing the girl that would understand his struggles, turn into a monster.

EDITED: APRIL 18, 2018

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