★ [DIX-NEUF]: Letting Go The Past And Understanding Faults

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[DIX-NEUF]: Letting Go The Past And Understanding Faults

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[DIX-NEUF]: Letting Go The Past And Understanding Faults

"Some will find great pleasure in provoking a reaction from you. That's when you need to discover the great pleasure in giving them none."


may 3, thursday, funneh's room


The genuine confession that me and my brother had just made me see everything a new light. I had realized that I was wrong, that I should've been more mature and thought about what I had done.

This was the time taht I had appreciated Kyran's effort more. There were times that I had been stubborn towards my brother and I severely regret that. That I had just wanted to provoke a reaction from my sister, Ayano.

I understanded Kyran's struggles. So, I'm not going to make him suffer like this anymore. I woke up and slided down the stairs to catch up on breakfast.


"Alec, we have a session tonight, meet me in our usual spot on about six." I remind Alec. He nods and sips the coffee that he had just bought. I surried away from him and went to class.

Gold hugs my arm and squishes my cheeks, "Oh Funneh Devin, you are such a devil this week." I blushed in embarrassment and nodded slowly. "Yeah, I regret everything."

Gold patted me on the back and this feeling of just having a genuine friend, that will accept you no matter who you are deep inside. Or what you're feeling. I smile slowly and glanced down my shoes.

Like it's the most interesting thing in the world. Gold lifted my chin, "Perk up! You already felt sorry, you apologised. That's good enough." I frown and kept my feeling of remorse lingering inside my chest.

I'm the worst person ever. Alec entered the classroom to be glancing around for a seat and closes his eyes to sleep. No one dares to even touch him or talk to him, "He's cute." Gold told me, complementing Alec.

"You instantly changed your crush?" Amusement evident on my face. "Nope. I'm sticking to Kyran," I hum and turn to my desk. Everything was boring at this very moment.

And I yearned for something interesting happen.



The feeling of of euphoria when seeing this girl turning back to the stupid woman she was. I had slept for a few minutes and look up to see her hair blocking her face, she was humming.

Our teacher was always late and I didn't mind, it gave me extra time to sleep and just rest my mind. I hear my phone vibrate and I roll my eyes, I knew it was Kyran.

kyran: how is funneh holding up??

alec: she fine, she's talking to gold rn, stop texting me.

I turned my phone of and hugged my backpack infront of me for my head to be able to rest on the surface. I was damn tired right. Yesterday night was always the same, staying up late and just walking around.

I was bored of my life. I was also tired. My eyes were dropping in exhaustion. I was seriously going to be able to snooze through the whole day.

Funneh approaches me with fidgeting fingers. "I apologise yesterday." Since she was talking to me, my head was buried in my backpack and I beckoned her away from me.

I hear a laugh from the bluenette and I scoffed. That stupid girl.



"Got everything?" I asked Kyran and he nodded with a groan. I was investigating him on his way to volleyball practice. "You have a session right? Just go to the library. And for the fifty - ninth time, yes." I laughed and patted his back goodbye.

"Then let's part ways partner, gudbye!" I exclaimed, Kyran's turned around to roll his eyes at me then laugh. "Gudbye! Now leave me alone!"

I had arrived home earlier to thankfully avoid Ayano. She also wasn't in te mood today. So I was dearly thankful, I couldn't stand that girl.

I didn't even think that I would have the audacity to be able to forgive her. . even if she didn't even give me an apology. But it's whatever!

I had reached the public library. I notice to see that Alex hasn't even arrived yet, since it was only 5:46 at the time. Nothing had changed in the library. It was still the woody floors and the same wallclock. I had decided to search around for books.

I saw this interesting book called, "That's French, Love" It consists of two characters that requires one to teach the guy French, I shrugged and red it to see if it would be interesting.

Alec had finally arrived. He was wearing a white t - shirts and a leather jacket, in this chilly day. His hair wasn't combed, as usual.

I had returned the book and sat back down to lean on my chair, "Soo, did you memorize the words?" He shrugged and I had grabbed the overly folded paper that Alec had handed me.

He had memorized a few words and phrases and I was kind've impressed. "Wow, you are putting effort." I retort with an impressed tone. Alec ignored my compliment and looked in another direction.

"So, I'm giving you more days to memorize then review all the word altogether." Alec nodded and his lips parted to mutter a word,

"I'm tired."

I hold my palm to my lips to stop myself from laughing at him. He was tired. .? Again? My eyes turn to slits as I look at him boringly. I wasn't going to leave for now, maybe. . later?

I looked around the library while humming a song. My gaze averts back to Alec to see him taking a nap while leaning on his chair.

What does this guy to every night?

EDITED: APRIL 19, 2018

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