★ [TROIS]: Silence Is All He Is

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[TROIS]: Silence Is All He Is

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[TROIS]: Silence Is All He Is

"The most beautiful part is, I wasn't even looking when I found you."



I shoot a gentle gaze as they all enter our house, my mother quickly runs to hug Alec's mom. For some reason; I recognize that name. Alec.

I tap Kyran on his shoulder as he turns around with a questionable look. "Look, I know that you don't want to talk to me right now. But does the name Alec ring a bell?"

Kyran slowly nods then realizes that Alec is here. "He is the best volleyball player there. Not very. . interactive. Infact, he is very quiet. So I've never heard a single word come out of his mouth except scoffs and sighs."

I shake my head in concern. "Ooh, that's sad." As we were arranged to sit down with the Reed's, I figured that I had nothing to do more I stayed silent and leaned on my seat.

"Actually I'm here to talk about Alec's french. He is clueless about it and uh, I'm kind've asking Funneh a favor." All eyes stare at me as my eyes widen. I stopped staring at my nails and pointed to my chest with my pointer finger, "M-Me?"

Jade nods and sits me down again. "Uhh, I'm kind've asking a favor for Funneh to teach Alec french."

All gasps were heard all around. My mouth was hanging open. Even Alec raised his head to look. "Uhh, my daughter Funneh doesn't know french." My mother reasoned, "But Ayano does, you can invite her to teach Alec."

Ayano smiles and agrees. I nodded and smiled at Jade. "I'm sorry, but I do not think that Ayano is suitable for the job. And I insist that Funneh knows the language."

I do not trust my mouth right now to randomly speak French.

"Quel est ton dessert préféré?"

As if my mouth had decided to rebel against me; I was caught dead. "Chocolate mousse." I held my palm against my mouth and see everyone's reactions with shock.

Alec's mother being with the face of satisfaction. "There. I told you that she can speak French." I mentally facepalmed myself in embarrassment with what I had just done. I was going to teach his son French. "Que penses-tu de la langue, le français?"

Alec's mother, Jade asked me in French. "Je pense que c'est euh. . langage très sophistiqué." She laughs cheerfully at my response and I just smile back.

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