"We've been here for almost an hour, so would you get your skinny ass down here before I come drag you out of that room." 

That had to be Michael. He's the only one who would actually say that to someone with out actually meaning anything too horrible. I lightly skipped down the stairs and saw them as I turned the corner to the living room. They had all dressed so well for this occasion. Honestly I felt so... plain. They all looked just so perfect. This couldn't be real there was no way. My life was a long standing tragedy that didn't seem to have an end. These boys had to be thrown into the mix just to stir things up. My phone beeped in my hand. Another text message.

Can't wait 2 c u 2nite! Oh, that's right... Ur not going. Becuz no1 likes u enough 2 ask u 2 come. Have fun eating cookie dough w/ ur mom. --- Jessica

Why did these happen when I felt happiest? Of course I was never really happy but still, if I got one inkling of happiness it was ripped away by someone in my school. This time it was Jessica. She was always nice to everyone; perfect grades, perfect hair, perfect skin, perfect boyfriend, perfect life. Jessica Warner was little miss perfect. Everyone loved her. Except me. And she hates me for it. 

"Who was that from, El?" Michael tilted his head to the side.

"No one important. It's nothing." I shook my head, "Let's get going on these pictures huh?"

I tried to ignore their faces, I didn't want to see looks of pain or concern. I didn't need their pity, I just needed them to be there for me when I wanted to talk... if I wanted to talk. 

"Okay, everybody ready?" my mom asked. We all lined up, me in the middle and each six foot tall boy around me. We took one where we had our arms around each other, a silly one where I'm pretty sure they mimicked an EP cover of their's with me in the middle. Then we took individual photos. I took the one with Michael first. We did a normal photo, which was hard since his hair was blue, then our silly one where we made faces and stuck our tongues out. Calum and I did a confused look photo, Luke and I had a photo where we went cross eyed and stuck our tongues out (A/N: I added a photo because I don't know how to describe in words the face that Luke was making XD Sorry about that guys!). Then there was my photos with Ashton. We did a really cute one where we're staring into each others eyes and I honestly was about to melt but doing that in front of him and the other guys would have been me signing my own death sentence. For our funny photo we acted like we were screaming almost but caught mid scream, you know what I mean? You could probably find a picture of it on Google, although he laughs so much a lot of the pictures are of him laughing. He has such a cute little laugh... Well, I should say he has a cute bunch of laughs seeing as he can never decide what laugh he is going to have. 

After taking all the pictures, all my mother could do was smile. I loved my mother so much, she was always there for me even when I didn't tell her what was wrong. She always had a way of knowing when something was wrong when I would say that there was nothing wrong. But she was still pretty oblivious sometimes. I'd learned after a while how to get her to not notice things, it was kind of sad really...

"So, where are we going for dinner?" Luke asked.

"I don't care where we go, but can we at least make sure they have burgers? I'm starving." Michael groaned from one of the couches.

"Lets not go anywhere where people will think that I am asian." Calum shook his head.

"People think you're asian everywhere we go though, Cal..." Mike grunted.

"Shuddup Michael." Calum laughed.

"Yeah, shut up Luke." Michael laughed.

"Wh-what did I do?" Luke shrugged with a look of slight offension.

"You existed." 

"Oi, lets not bug him too much, boys." Ashton laughed.

"Well, then get going to... wherever it is you guys are going." My mom began to push us towards the door. 

A/N: Sorry the update took so long guys!! I have been super busy and I got stuck with writers block. But here it is! The next chapter! Save your applause till the end because I can promise you things might end up going downhill... Because I suck at endings. If I ever finish this, I will just be proud of myself for that because I have never finished a story before and yeah... super big accomplishment. But thank you to all of you who have read this story, it means a lot to me that you guys do. I honestly think I suck at writing so the fact that you guys actually have said you like it, makes me a lot more comfortable in my writing skills.
                Live long and prosper,
                        Tasha Lynn

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