4 || Double trouble

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Perrie and I were now sitting in the waiting room waiting for Zayn, because Perrie had finially got him to answer.

15 minutes and a whole lot of crying later, Zayn arrived. The doctor had been waiting on Zayn to get there as well so as soon as Zayn arrived we were taken right back.

The doctor told Perrie that she didnt need to worry it was a good thing. The doctor told perrie that he was going to do an ultrasound to show her what she was talking about.

Perrie lifted her shirt up and the doctor told her just like last time that the gel was going to be cold and all of that stuff. Except this time when the doctor turned the screen on, there were 2 babies.

"Why are there 2 babies" Perrie immediately asked

"Because" The doctor said "You my friend are pregnant..... with twins"

"What" Perrie asked "How come we didnt notice the other baby in the last ultrasound?"

"Well" the doctor said "The other baby could have been hiding behind the other one, or since your other baby is very small, with twins one is bigger than the other, so at the last ulrasound the other baby could have been very small" The doctor said.

"Well how did you know that there was something abnormal?" Perrie asked

I looked at Zayn and he looked as happy as a kid in a candy store

"We knew that there was something abnormal because when you took a urine test last week, the results came back that there were 2 babies"

"Oh" Perrie said

Zayn finially spoke up and said "Yay, im so happy" and leaned over and gave Perrie a kiss

"Wait" Zayn said " Since we already know that one is a boy, do we get to find out what the other one is"

"Oh yes, i knew i was missing something" The doctor chuckeled and moved the wand to the other side of the Perrie belly to hear the other babies heartbeat

"You are expecting one little boy, and one beautiful little girl" the doctor said

"Yay im getting a little girl" Perrie said

"Alrighty, i belive we are finished here" Then the doctor turned the chair around to face me and said "Do you know that today we are giving free pregnancy testing" He asked

"Oh... um no thanks" I said "I know im not pregnant"

"Oh come on" Perrie said "Even if you know your not pregnant then it will just come back negative but its free so please do it. Do it for me" Perrie said and smiled at me

"Ok fine" I said

"Alright Ill leave you two to this and Ill see you at home babe" Zayn said and kissed Perrie

"Ok, bye I love you" Perrie said

"Always" Zayn  said and walked out

We sat in silence for a couple seconds and Perrie broke the silence

"Thanks for saying youd take a pregnancy test"

"No problem" I said "I know its going to be negative"

"What if is not" Perrie asked

"Then ill be having a baby" I said and smiled at Perrie

After I said that it almost made me hope that the test was positive


I had already taken the pregnancy test and now we were waiting for the results. The doctor was sitting in front of us looking at paperwork and I was now holding Perries hand because she noticed i was shaking.

"Mrs. Payne" The doctor said "You are Pregnant"


Yay Perrie and Lindsay are pregnant!

I like the way this story is going! How about you guys?

Comment below if you think its a boy or a girl! Also comment what boy and girl names that you guys like!

Im going to be updating alot more soon because im really excited about this story now. Also, would you guys rather me update like 2 or 3 times a day every couple days or would you rather me update like once a day or every other day? So tell me what you think!

I might go on vacation in like 2 weeks MIGHT! Key word. So ill probably update alot before I go, if I do because I wont know if ill have wifi where im going :)

So, again tell me what you think of this so far. Thank you all so much for reading! Keep on reading! :) Enjoy!

I love you all!

-Melody XX

Oh, also, I almost forgot. Tell me how you want Lindsay to tell Liam shes pregnant! :)

Plus, if you guys are wondering why Louis, Harry, and Niall havent been in this story much yet, its because im just like starting this story and they will be in it ALOT in a couple of chapters!

Lol I forgot something else! I updated this on Monday, June 30th, 2014!

Liam's BabyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin