Chapter 37

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Third Person's POV:

The four fellas sat in a circle on the grass, the weather was nice, warm sun and a cool breeze, it was simply relaxing.

Yet, Mike's thoughts weren't relaxed at all, lots of thoughts kept running through his head, lots of questions he wanted to ask Lucy.
Since the very first day he met her he felt that she was made of soft glass that gets easily broken, and by now he was sure that it was actually broken before, yet he wanted to know the reasons why , and he felt that this was the best opportunity to ask her but he was afraid that it's also the worst time to ask her, he doesn't want to open wounds for her in a happy moment.

"So what do you guys wanna talk about?" Lucy's question interrupted his chain of thoughts.

"Umm anything..." Mike replied.

"Remember when we played dare or dare? And Lucy said we can play truth or truth on our last day because by then we'll get to know each other? Well I guess that's a perfect opportunity to do it." Katy said and there a small flame of hope lit in Mike's heart.

"Well okay I agree now, I mean we're couples and best friends I guess we all deserve to know some stuff." Lucy said.

"Okay I'll start." Mike was the first one to say.

"Well I guess some people were more eager to know some stuff." Katy's comment was directed to Mike.

"Well yeah... I mean I like to know my partner in a whole different level, a deeper one I would say..." Mike replied to Katy then looked at Lucy.

"Lucy...Well...Um how do you get inspiration for your songs?" Mike asked but his voice was shaking.

"My songs? Well basically from anything, any story I have, whether it was my story, or other people's story, or a story that I made up in my head, anything that gives me inspiration I write about it." Lucy explained.

"So wait... the song you sang to me on our first day, what was the inspiration to it?"

"Mike one question per time." Katy said.

"No no it's okay, let me answer that." Lucy said then took a deep breath.

"It was about Luke." She said and they all were shocked.

"Luke?" They all asked in unison.

"What song?" Luke asked, so Lucy grabbed her backpack and took out her songs notebook then opened it and started reading each line while explaining it.

"Have you ever felt that way ? That you're empty and lost ? Sometimes I get that feeling Luke because you're always better than me in doing stuff, you're always the good son, where everyone hears about you and knows you and know your accomplishments while I am there just the twin sister, and this makes me feel empty on the inside and lost." She said trying as much as she can to keep her voice steady but it was shaking, her heart beats were fast, this is the first time she opens up about this thing.

"Like all you wanna do is just to run away, and leave everything tossed... well... this part here talks about the times..." She took a deep breath and her eyes shed a tear.

"The times I thought about leaving and go live with dad." She continued.

"Wait what?" Luke asked shocked but she didn't answer him, she just continued explaining.

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