Chapter 6

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"Hey , do you have a map ? Because I got lost in your eyes ." He said to her .
She gave him a dead look as she's not interested and actually gave him a map .

"Hmm thank you , but hmm , I seem to have lost my phone number can I get yours ?" He said .

And there my role starts .

"Mike !" I said surprised but with a singing voice.
"Lucy !" He replied with a surprised tone too .
And then I slapped him !

"How dare you ? I mean I thought you love me ." Still singing

He leaned a little bit and whispered "ouch" but I could still hear it .

"Hmm hmm , well I- I actually wanted to break up with you before." He said.

"Whyyyyyyy?" I sang .

"Because you never say the words normally, you always sing them and it's annoying." He replied.
"So you thought of a 50 years old woman ?" I sang again .

"Hey I'm 48 !" She said .

"Oh so you talk." Mike said to her.

"Not cool keed ." She said .

"That's it I'm breaking up with you." I said .

"No I'm breaking up with you ." He replied .

"You can't cuz I already did , and hears your promise ring back ." I said throwing at him a ring that I was wearing .

"I never wanna see you again ." I said (singing).

"Well you can't we're sharing the same room ." He replied.

"Not anymore ." I replied as a finally and went away .

The thing is Mike's parents were sitting in the lobby and they saw the whole scene .

Oops that's awkward .

As soon as I saw them I turned back to Mike and the lady .

"I'm sorry ma'am my friend dared us to do it , I'm sorry if it offended you ." I said and looked at Mike and pointed at his parents .

"Today's keeds have no manners ." She replied but then laughed .

"I like your voice though ." She said .

"Well thank you , and thanks for understanding, let's go Mike ." I said and we tried to sneak out .

"Mike?" We heard a voice calling.

"Hey dad , you're here , what a surprise." He said.

"What was that?" His father asked and his mom was looking at him waiting for a good answer .

"I'm sorry Mr.Cooper , I'm the one who made him do it , we were playing truth or dare , and I gave him a scene to act ." I said.

"What's your name young lady?" He asked .

"Lucy Cohn ." I replied .

10 Days. Relationship जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें