Chapter 38

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Day 10,
Lucy's POV:

I was hugging Mike so hard, we were at the airport and ready to leave.

"I'm gonna miss you so much." I said

"I'm gonna miss you too love, but don't worry I'll be paying visits and we'll hang out a lot." He replied while putting my hair behind my ear and rubbing my cheek with his thumb.

"I know... But I just wanna have you everyday, like this trip." I said.

"You will I promise, I'm coming back to California just as you, I'm not traveling to China or anything, and according to my mom our homes are an hour away from each other so you'll get sick of seeing me in your house." He said which made me chuckle.

"You better let me get sick of seeing you in my house." I said and kissed his cheek and hugged him one more time.

Luke's POV:

"So is this the last time I'll be seeing you?" Katy asked me with sad eyes.

"Nope babe, according to Mike our homes are only one hour away, so we'll be hanging out a lot." I said which made a smile appear on her precious beautiful face.

"Good I love that smile, never hide it." I said and she kept smiling while saying "Ok.".

"Unless you wanna speak then you can hide it a little bit." I said and she giggled and hit my arm.

"What? I don't wanna anyone think that my girlfriend is a psycho... I mean I don't want anyone to steal you from me if he saw your gorgeous smile." I said rubbing my neck.

"Mhmm you're lucky you're cute." She said and gave me a quick kiss.

"I'm gonna miss you." She said while hugging me.

"I'm gonna miss you too." I said then we went to see Lucy and Mike.

"I'm gonna miss you bro." I said while giving Mike a hand shake.

"I'll miss you too." He replied then we hugged, so did the girls were hugging each other.

"We'll hang out a lot the four of us okay?" Lucy said.

"Of course." I replied.

Then Katy and Mike's parents called them.

"Okay we gotta go, see you later." Mike and Katy said.

"Bye." We replied in unison.

"I guess we should go too sis." I said while putting my hands around Lucy's shoulder.

"Yeah we should." She said and we got on the plane.

Lucy's POV:

We finally reached our homeland, you know even though I had the best vacation in my entire life I actually missed California.

Luke and I grabbed our suitcases and went to look for our parents.

"Luke, Lucy." We heard someone calling, it was mom and dad standing next to each other so we rushed to hug them and it ended up as a family group hug

"Oh I missed you guys so much." Mom said while squeezing us.

"I know you missed them but you're squeezing me too." Dad said and we lat go of each other while laughing.

"Sorry." Mom apologized while dad smiled at her.

I'm just really glad that despite their arguments they're still friends, like it could have been worse, I know people that their parents can't even be in the same place even of they were in different rooms.

10 Days. Relationship Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu