Chapter 29

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Lucy's POV:

Now I'm sitting with to the fire... alone... this is not awkward at all.

"So..." I said trying to break the silence.

"So..." he replied in the same tone.

"What should we do?" I asked.

"Hmm... the thing we do every time, play the guitar and sing." He said.

"If this trip was a movie I'm sure it will turn out to be a musical because of all the times we sang in it." I said.

"Have you ever thought about what would happen if your life was a movie?" He wondered.

"A lot, there were lots of days where I wished it was a movie, you know at the end of the day you put your head on the pillow relaxed knowing that non of this is real, and there are other days where I'm happy that I'm not in a movie and it's real." I said.

"Would you like to share any of these days?" He asked me.

"Well you know, some bad days, where nothing goes right, or you lose someone, or people simply break up, or you have fights with others and so on... and there are other days just like this trip that I'm glad it's real and it's not a movie." I replied.

"So I believe you're enjoying our company?" He asked with a smile.

"If I wasn't would I even be talking to you right now?" I replied.

"Maybe..." he said while smirking and looking deeply into my eyes as I did the same, but then I turned my head.

"So what about you? Were there any days you wished they weren't real?" I asked.

"Of course, but there's also something I learned, that if every bad day we had wasn't a real thing, we wouldn't be who we are now." He said and I asked him to explain.

"For example, when me and my ex broke up, I really wished that it wasn't real, but if I look at it today, it made me learn about how to move on from losing people, it made me realize what kind of people I should be surrounded with or what kind of girlfriends I should have, I mean everything you go through in life, helps you to grow up and build your personality and be the best version of you, so if you look at it from another perspective, there is some good in bad days." He said while I was staring and listening to him carefully, for the first time in my life I listen to someone from the very first word he says until the last one.

"What?" He asked in a quiet calm tone.

"Nothing, just thank you." I said and he smiled.

"Well this turned to be deep." I said.

"Yeah, well tell me what do you want to do and I'll do it, just suggest." He said.

"Order pizza." I replied out of nowhere.

"Order pizza?" He asked surprised.

"In case you haven't noticed we haven't ate real food today." I replied.

"Wait really?" He asked and I nodded.

"What the af, are you saying that we actually forgot to eat?" He asked still surprised.

"Mm-hm." I said.

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