Chapter 33

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Lucy's POV:

After we finished eating we went back to the hotel, gave Liam back to his parents and we headed to celebrate.

"Oh I see you guys made it." Dave- the gym administrator- said to Luke and Mike.

"Hey Dave." They greeted

"Welcome to the party, here you go a Hawaiian lei, and a glow steeck, there ees also neon paint right there, enjoy your time." Dave said and we went to towards the paints' table

I grabbed all of the colors and started doodling on my face, then I draw a smiley face on my shirt and Mike was looking at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Your face is a real canvas." He said.

"Thank you, I guess?" I replied and he giggled.

"Can you draw that on my face too?" He asked.

"Sure but you have to sit first." I said but there was no chair so he sat on the ground.

"Is that good?" He asked.

"We'll see." I said then kneeled and started painting on his face, at first I wanted to draw something funny, but I remembered that he trusted me to draw something nice so I guess I'll leave it to another time.

After everyone was ready the DJ raised the music volume and we stared dancing, but that joy didn't last for so long because out of a sudden the electricity went off.

I screamed and jumped on the very first person that I found next to me, and I think it was Mike because he caught me well.

After like 5 seconds the electricity came back on and surprise surprise I was in the arms of a girl, a big. Scary girl. That gave me a dead look.

"Uh-ha umm thank you for holding me you may let go now." I said and she immediately did it like without hesitating she just dropped me.

"Ouch, thank you." I said but she didn't reply and walked away.

The cousins and Luke came towards me and helped me to get up.

"For a glowing party that girl really has lack of colors." I said and Mike was staring behind me so I turned around and she was standing there.

What? I thought she went away.

"Oh did I say lack of colors? I meant track of colors, you are really beautiful and colorful and all of these things..."

Does that makes sense?
Never mind I guess my friends face palming themselves is an enough answer.

"Call me." She said smiling and winking.

And there my jaw dropped.

"Umm call you what?" I said hoping she meant a nickname and not to actually call her phone but she gave me her number.

"Oh you want me to call you..." I said then started reading her number.

"That's too long, can I call you 67 as a nickname?"

Well those were the last two digits.

"No Silly, I mean that's my phone number, I'm Jess." She said.

"Lucy baby, why you look like you suddenly pumped into a wall, that's Jess and she's asking for your friendship." Mike said.

Did he just call me baby?

"Oh yeah hey Jess I'm Lucy I'm glad to be your friend." I said and she asked me if Mike was my boyfriend and he said yes.

Now I get what was he trying to do.

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