Chapter 35

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Day 9,

Mike's POV:

I still can't believe that I actually did it, I finally got Lucy, I mean won her, she's too precious to be "gotten", and I'll make sure to never lose her.
Man I love her!

As I was drowning in my own thoughts while looking at myself in the mirror and singing and smiling like an idiot. Well to be fair I was thinking of Lucy.

The door got knocked, and it was her.
What a great coincidence.

"Oh hey I was just thinking of you." I said.

"Really? What were you thinking?" She asked.

"About how amazingly lucky I am to have a girl like you." I said and kissed her cheek and she giggled.

"Yeah those sweet words won't save you now, you're late and we have to go to the store." She said while getting in and leaning on the wall then crossing her arms.

"Come on, not even a good morning kiss?" I said and she smirked at me.

"Well...we're already late..." She said as she didn't have any other option and gave me a quick kiss on my lips.

"Hope this gives you the energy to get ready faster, come on now." She said while putting her palm on my cheek then she made her way through the door.

"You have a lack of romance woman." I said laughing and she looked at me with an expression as a way to say "unbelievable"

"Ugh how dare you? I'm one of the most romantic people." She said.

"Yeah right, you couldn't even kiss me, nor say good morning, all you said was you're late Mike." I replied to tease her while putting on some perfume and taking one last look at the mirror and as I was about to turn around I suddenly felt some lips making their way to mine, it lasted longer than the one we had yesterday I mean the second one we had yesterday.

"How's that for romantic?" She asked smiling.

"Eh, not bad, but you still have to learn more." I said in a sarcastic tone.

"Shut up and get ready I'll be down to the lobby." She said while playing with my hair.

"Wait I'm done I'm coming with you." I said and we headed to the elevator.

And there I stared at her.

"What?" She asked.

"What?" I replied.

"Why you're looking at me like that?" She asked.

"Because I love you." I said and she blushed which made me giggle.

"You're really cute when you get shy you know?" I said.

"I don't mind being shy forever if it's gonna make me look at this smile again." She said and held my hand so I kissed it. I mean her hand, I kissed her hand.


"Finally what took you guys so long? Don't say you started cuddling on the bed." Katy said.

"Nope we didn't even kiss." I said and Katy looked at me with her -mmhmmm- look.

"Okay we kissed, but we didn't cuddle." I said.

"Come on, don't say you didn't enjoy spending some time alone with Luke." Lucy told her.

"Well I did." Luke said.

"Okay you caught me, but shall we go now? I wanna make the best out of this day." Katy said and we headed out.


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