Chpater 25

213 26 45

Luke's POV:

Me and Katy realized how much foolish we looked, when we found out that they were not following us, so we went back to look for them.

"What if it was a catch?" Katy said.

"Or maybe they just took advantage of being alone, cuz as I see they're having fun swimming." I said looking at them.

"Aww they're so cute." She said and I looked at her in a weird way.

"What? I ship them together, don't say you don't I know you do!" She said smirking so I raised one eyebrow giving her the- are you kidding me look.

"You boys, why do you always hide those feelings?" She said.

"I don't it's really weird to see my sister in a relationship!" I said then gave her an evil smile.

"What?" She asked.

"You swam in a pool, so wanna try the sea?" I asked and her face turned to pale.

"Come on, don't you wanna make fun of them?" I said begging her, I even kneeled and I don't know what made her laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked.

"You look funny when you kneel to beg." She said.

"Okay then, if you ask for the other way..." I said and held her on my shoulder and surprisingly she didn't say anything so I stopped.

"Why did you stop?" She asked.

"Wanna make sure if you're still breathing because you didn't object for me carrying you." I said.

"Oh no actually you have a comfy shoulder." She said.

"Oh um thanks?" I said more in a question tone and kept walking, I got to our chairs and brought the water gun then continued walking, until I got into water, there I put her down.

"Ah it's cold." She said.

"Wait until you get deeper." I said.

"Gee thanks for supporting, no hold my hand because I'm still scared of the water." She said and I laughed then held her hand and we started getting closer to Mike and Lucy, but I felt that the more deeper we got into water the more her squeeze to my hand got stronger, I looked at her eyes, the sun reflected them perfectly again, which made me fall more in love with dark brown color, how did I never notice the beauty within it?

"Don't worry, you won't drown, I'll be hear to catch you." I said and she gave me the most beautiful warm smile.

Then you know how in fairy tales that scene when someone daydreams and suddenly the music stops and the record breaks? That what happened when Mike and Lucy interrupted us!

You still don't believe she's the most annoying person?

"Guys listen, me and Mike had an amazing idea! We're going to spend the night here, we will make a bonfire, Mike brought his guitar, we'll buy coconuts and put juice in them, we'll dress Hawaiian style, I already found a shop in here when we came, and we will make the best night ever!" She spoke really fast and excited as a 5 years old kid who got a basket full of candy.

"Yeah I like that." Katy said, so did I .

"But now, let's enjoy our time!" I said and pulled my water gun.

"Hey hey hey that's not fair we're not even armed!" Lucy said.

"That's why there are hands." Mike said and splashed water on us.

"No no the water in here is so salty." Katy said and hid behind my back.

"Not our problem." Mike and Lucy said in unison.

"Okay then." I said and put my hand on Lucy's head then pushed it down so Mike did the same to Katy.

"Luke!" She called for help and there I jumped on Mike and we both drowned.

"Guys stop!" Lucy shouted.

"What?" We asked.

"Someone have to take a photo of us!" She said and we all- even Katy- face palmed ourselves but she didn't care and went to grab her phone and ask someone to take us a picture.

Lucy's POV:

"So listen, Katy ride on Luke's shoulders, and I'll ride on Mike's."

I'm thinking of an awesome couple's picture!
I mean for Luke and Katy, I'll cut off me and Mike later, or nah, I'd never cut myself out of a photo if I looked great in it.

"Oh good you won't ride on my shoulders! Mike I warn you you're going to hold a heavy weight!" Luke said.

"Wha-at I am not fat! And even if I was, I'd still be prettier than you." I said.

"We are identical twins you know." He replied.

"Yet I'm still prettier, now come on the guy is waiting." I said then we rode on the boys' shoulders and the guy took the photo.

"It's perfect isn't it?" I said excitedly then showed it to Mike, and don't ask me how because I have no idea how, I slipped and fell on a rock.

"Are you okay?" Mike and Katy asked.

"Well ignoring the fact that I fell on a rock, yup I'm okay." I said.

"I told you you're fat and you didn't believe it." Luke said laughing.

"No it wasn't because I was fat, it's just I found this rock so handsome to the point gravity attracted me to hard" I replied then noticed that my leg was bleeding, I mean I felt it, the salty water got into the wound and now it burns and itches and hurts freaking bad!

"Ouch." I winced at the pain.

Okay that hurts, I'm getting out of water!

The thing is I looked at Mike, Katy was still on his shoulders.

Feeling comfortable maybe?

"Would you please give me a hand?" I said looking at Luke and he started clapping, so I gave him a dead look then heard Mike laughing.

"Here let me help you." Mike said and pulled his hand to help me stand up.

"Thank you Mike for being such a better, useful person unlike other one I know." I said rolling my eyes at Luke.

"You know Katy is still here and can hear you right?" He said so Katy slapped his head, but gently.

Aw she's soft,
No not aw! She should have hurt him.

"Oh Katy dear, let me teach you how to slap." I said to her then slapped Luke on his arm, and apparently it made him lose his balance because Katy fell too.

"And now I'm out." I said flipping my hair, then walking out with sass.

Hey guys ❤️
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