"Breakfast at Tiffany," Joie aid. "I've sent a lot of business to Patrice. She's a sweetie pie."


"You call, you make an appointment, you get a continental breakfast, VIP treatment and the rings of your choice. You can even design them. Which is of course the only way to go."

"Wait—you guys aren't paying for that, right?" I said.

"Oh, hell no, honey! The rings are on you! The swag's all me."

I went over and kissed her. And she said, "She gets the joy ride, I get a peck on the cheek! Life is just not fair."

That really got a laugh. And Kendall got up and kissed Joie, too.

And said, "You guys are so sweet."

"Sit that lil' sore (change for Wattpad) butt back down over there," Aisha said. "I'm still mad at both o' you."

"No, you're not," I said, going over to hug her from behind.

"Boy, you better stop," she said.

I kissed her on the neck anyway and said, "What are you mad about?"

And I think she felt the new "me." I swear. She looked back at me to check, and then the part of her that couldn't help but feel me and be happy for me gave me this wonderful smile.

And she said, "When you gon' do it right? And where you gon' do it?"

"Well, you tell me. I'm listening."

"Reverend say he want you to come over there'n' talk to him about it."

I lit up then, and said, "Oh, man—can we have the choir and everything? That'd be soooo dope!"

Kendall sighed and said, "But I'm Catholic, though. I mean, I hate to be a buzzkill..."

"How Catholic?" Joie asked her.

"Well, not the, like, really strict, traditional Catholic that Ellen's family was. I mean, they're those really weird ones who make it feel like a cult, almost. But I believe it really is the church that Jesus created. And I like Jesus a lot. So...I just...I'd like to do it our way. But it just...well, he'd have to be baptized and...it takes a while..."

I could see what she was really thinking. That there wouldn't be time.

So I went over to sit by her and shrugged and said, "We'll work it out."

"And our choirs suck. The songs just sound all sad."

"Sweetie, don't worry," Joie said. "Because that's my job--do I hear any objections?"

She said it giving me this stare that told me I'd better hold my peace for sure.

So I said, "All in favor, raise your hand!"

And, of course, everyone threw a hand up. Kendall raised up both hands and waved them around.

So Joie slapped her hands down on the table, stood up and said, "My work here is done! Onward to the Xtravaganza—4 p.m., remember? And pray that that suit fits you because you weren't here for the fitting I'd scheduled. The other stuff I don't care about, but you have to sell that suit!"

"Have I ever not sold a suit?"

She gave me a wink and said, "That's my bae! Ladies? Later!"

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