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Private messages between copycat and mooMMY
6:18 am

copycat: I know you don't like me very much anymore but I need help with something?

mooMMY: I don't dislike you, I just don't trust you rn, But what is it?

copycat: it's my relationship with Tom

mooMMY: What about it?

copycat: it's like, how can you love someone so much but yet talking is rare? But when you do your heart starts to race and you realize some but never know what it is

copycat: sometimes I get so worried if they hate me or not. I get so worried if I did something wrong, and people reassure me but I don't understand it.

mooMMY: then maybe you should get open about?

copycat: Getting open with Tom is like opening perfectly opening a Starburst

mooMMY: it's not that bad. I would know cause I've known him for a very long time, although it's difficult you have to talk to him.

copycat: but then I feel like I seem desperate for it, and I try and build up the courage but I just drop it and do something else to get my mind off it.

mooMMY: that's well um... you ever thought about taking a break?

copycat: just the thought if that makes me want to tear up forever

mooMMY: here I'll pass my phone to Luke he knows stuff like this.

mooMMY: hey so I hear your having problems like I sorta had?

copycat: yeah

mooMMY: well nothing to fear, I can help.

mooMMY: no matter what you have to tell them, actually go now. Tell them they will understand, and if not well then they aren't for you and you should take a break or whatever you feel like you want.

copycat: okay, thank you?

mooMMY: he said no problem

copycat and mooMMY have gone offline...

Craig is slightly straight
8:07 am

notsominiladd: thanks for the expensive sushi

SAMI-BOI: yeah thanks Tyler!

Tylersdick: he sleep

VAPEKING: That makes sense

Basicallyidodad: I'm crying so much :(((

mooMMY: Aww baby what happened??

Basicallyidodad: this fanfic was to sad like poor John is madly in love with Smii7y and Smii7y is in love with someone else and John has to go through this journey to get over him

Basicallyidodad: But He can't get over Smii7y, so he just watches as the person he loves the most confess

Basicallyidodad: But hes rejected easily, cause Tyler liked someone else and not Smii7y

Basicallyidodad: and then Smii7y talks to Mini, who says find out your real feelings, he talks to Evan who says you'll find how you really feel, and then he stops and thinks about everything.

Basicallyidodad: he realizes that he was chasing the wrong person but by the time he realized John was already at the airport. So he jumps in his rental car, and drives off.

Basicallyidodad: But when he gets there, it's to late so he goes into the bathroom and cries.

Basicallyidodad: and then it hasn't updated yet :(((

mooMMY: That sounds interesting I want

Basicallyidodad: yes let's eat popcorn and read fanfics baby!

mooMMY: I'll be there in a minute.

mooMMY and Basicallyidodad have gone offline...

VAPEQUEEN: wow I actually am interested


Tylersdick: same

Noglasass: wow same

notsominiladd: same

Deadchannel: same

Bugjiggles: same

Tacobellismylife: same

deliboy: sans

deliboy: fUCK I MEANT SAME

Ivebeengettinmoney: if you bully him too hard I'll punch you in the face!

Ivebeengettinmoney: but same

notsominiladd: undertale

SAMI-BOI: same

Scooter: same

thepregobunny: same

Daddy-Devil: same

Daddy-Devil: Aww we can hear them fan girling and everything

thepregobunny: Aww

mooMMY: *link to non existent book*

mooMMY has gone offline...

Craig is slightly straight has gone offline...

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