Chapter 26: Luke's POV

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“Can you give this note to Stacy Wilcox?” I asked the lady at the front desk as I was getting my pass to leave school. I wrote her a note so she knew that I was leaving school. I didn’t want her to worry, so in the note I just told her that I wasn’t feeling well and I was just going to hang out at home. I ran home as fast as I could and told Beau about where I thought Jai was.

“Yesterday, at the hospital, Matt was there and I think he may have taken Jai…”

“The lady on the phone did say that the room was empty, so what should we do?”

“We need to go get him!”

I ran out of the house as fast as I could but I needed Beau to lead the way because I didn’t quite remember how to get there. We got there pretty quickly and we had to figure out how to get in without Matt noticing. We didn’t know the whole layout of his house, but Beau remembered Stacy being in the basement when we were here the first time, so maybe that is where they hid Jai from us as well.

We ran around the side of the house and found the small window and looked inside. Sure enough, there was Jai looking around the room for a way out also. Beau tapped on the window, and Jai saw us right away. The only problem was that I wasn’t sure if he could fit through this little window. No harm in trying.

It took us a good 10-15 minutes to get him through the window, and quietly but eventually we got him out. As we were running away, we saw Matt walking out of the house. We hid, but we didn’t hide well enough. We made a run for it, and we all went on separate paths. I ran to the left, Beau went straight and Jai went to the right. For some reason, Matt chose Jai to chase. When I saw that Matt was chasing Jai, I turned around and chased Matt. Beau did the same. Beau and I both jumped onto Matt’s back and tackled him to the ground. “RUN JAI GO!” I yelled to him. “Well what do we do now?!” Beau said in a panic…

He was right… what do we do now?!


“Stacy? Note for you.” Said my teacher, breaking me out of my daydreams.

A note? For me? I opened it up, and read it.

“Hey baby, I’m not feeling all that great so I am going to head home and get some rest. I’ll see you after school. Love you lots xoxo.”

I had to go ALL DAY without seeing Luke?! I know I might be overreacting a little, but I really wanted to see him, he just meant so much to me.

I walked into my 3rd class and noticed that Jai wasn’t there. Then I realized he hasn’t been here all day, and he didn’t come home last night. There was no way he was still at the hospital. Laura would be fine, even the doctor said so… If Laura was feeling better, she would have been at school today and she wasn’t…

There had to be something going on, and I wanted to know NOW...

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