Chapter 15

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I needed to figure out whose number this was, and SOON! It was driving me crazy that I didn’t know who was texting me and leaving me these terrible messages. I knew that it would have something to do with Laura, but which one of her little buddies was it this time? I ignored the message, and just tried to focus on having fun with my wonderful boyfriend and everyone else. Beau and Skip could find something fun to do out of anything they found. Skip found a soccer ball and he decided to kick it at Beau, he missed and it hit the fence behind him, but Beau picked it up and threw it at him as hard as he could. Skip turned around and it hit him straight in the back. We all started laughing and they kept throwing the ball at each other, and then it just turned into a big game of soccer.

As the game reached its end, I decided that I should probably call my mom. I gave her a call, but she didn’t answer. Maybe she was still at work, I mean it was only about 5:00 PM and she usually worked until 7:00 PM on a late night. I kept playing soccer with the boys, and eventually we were all tired, and sweaty. I asked Luke to walk me home and to make sure that my mom was okay. We began walking, and everything was going just perfectly.

Then my phone went off once again. I pulled it out of my pocket to check it, and again it was that same number. “I told you to stay away from him.” It read, “Watch your back.” In that moment, I looked at Luke and he could see the horror in my eyes. I turned around to see a guy holding something black in his hands. Well that something black just happened to be a blind fold! The man blindfolded Luke, and another man ran right up behind me, and blindfolded me as well! The two men threw us in the back of a van.  While we were in the van, they tied up our hands and tied Luke and I together back to back. I didn’t catch a good glimpse of the two men who kidnapped us, but I knew that they must be friends of Laura’s. Or worse, friends of Matt’s. Either way, I knew this was not going to end well.

I could feel Luke trying to hold my hand, but in the way our hands were positioned, it wasn’t very comfortable for either of us if we reached for each other’s hands. “It’ll be alright Stacy, I promise you. We will be okay. Don’t panic. I will find our way out of this.” Just hearing Luke’s voice calmed me down a little bit, but I was still scared of what was to come.

“Luke…” I said. “If anything does happen to either of us… I just want you to know… I love you.”

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