Chapter 2

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The next morning, I awoke to a familiar sound. My cell phone. I figured it was just a text from Susan, or maybe my mom telling me she’s gone shopping,  but I decided I should check it anyways, just in case. I looked at the screen and saw that I had actually gotten a text message from Jai. I had forgotten that I had given him my number when we worked on a project together back in Grade 9, but I didn’t think he’d still have it, but then again... I did still have his. I opened the text message and it read: “Meet me at the park in 10 :)” I threw on my favorite shirt, and the shoes to match, and headed out. When I got to the park, I realized that it wasn’t Jai that texted me. It was LUKE using Jai’s phone to get in touch…with ME! But why me? I couldn’t believe it. When I approached Luke he just smiled and said, “Hey! You made it.”

“Uhh… yeah! Where’s Jai?”

“Oh right” he replied. “Maybe I should explain why he’s not here and I am. I forgot to get your number last night at the movies, and it turns out Beau threw my phone in the pond around the corner, so I had to use Jai’s phone to text you. But I’m glad you came, and I’m sorry if you’re disappointed because...well... you were expecting Jai instead of me. “

His face started to appear more as sad than excited to see me. “No!” I explained. “I’m just as happy to see you, maybe even happier that it’s you” I smiled. “Well I’m glad” he said with a smile on his face. “Listen,” he said, “I invited you over here, because… well…”


It was Jai, and he was furious. He ran down to where Luke and I were standing, and pushed Luke to the ground. I didn’t get to hear what Luke had to say, and why exactly he invited me down here but at that moment I was more focused on breaking up the fight that had started between them. “Guys! Please! Just stop fighting! Jai cut it out!! Come on!”

Eventually Jai stopped beating Luke long enough for me to ask what was going on. Jai was still furious but he explained.

“Stacy, I’ve liked you since grade 9. I honestly thought you knew by know, but I guess I should have made myself a little more obvious… When you asked to sit next to Luke at the movies that just killed me. Especially when Luke knows how I feel about you.” He shot Luke a glare that showed how serious he really was. I was so shocked. I didn’t even know what to say except for, “Oh my gosh Jai, I’m so sorry. If I had known, I wouldn’t have ever done this to you” Jai walked away without saying a word, and I was so torn with my decision whether I should follow him or not. I did, but it just ended up in him telling me to leave him alone. I walked back over to Luke, and told him that he should go help his brother.

As I was walking back home, I realized I forgot that Luke never told me exactly why he invited me down to the park. When I got home, I called Susan and told her what happened. “OH MY GOSH LUKE TOTALLY LIKES YOU!” she exclaimed. “You really think so??” “Yeah, totally. Why else would he invite you to the park… alone? Oh, and about Jai, that really sucks.  I had a feeling he liked you, but I didn’t really think too much into it. What do you think you are going to do?” “I have no idea.”

That’s what really scared me. I had no idea what to do, and now Jai won’t talk to me, and talking to Luke would only make Jai madder. I was stuck.

                       Then the phone rang…

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