Chapter 14

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I woke up the next morning to Luke kneeling next to the couch where I slept the night before. “Hey babe, want to just skip school today?” “I’d love that.” I replied. With his face being the first thing I see when I wake up, I knew it was bound to be a great day. “Good, because school already started about 3 hours ago. The boys and I slept in, so I figured we could just all hang out today?” “Sounds great babe, but I’m going to get ready.”

I showered, got dressed, and got ready for the day. We walked around the city for a little while. Luke and I trailed behind Beau and Jai, and just took in the scenery. It was an absolutely perfect day for walking in the city. It was a Tuesday, so we were really the only ones there. We met up with James and Skip after a little while. James stayed home from school as well, and skip… well skip got suspended for “talking back” to a teacher. In his defense, “she deserved it.”

All 6 of us ran all around the city, and I realized I had forgotten to call my mom and let her know I hadn’t gone to school. Oh well, I thought. I didn’t want to bother her while she was at work, and she probably wouldn’t mind me not going to school anyways.

Eventually, Luke and I broke off from the group and just started walking our own separate way. We talked about our first impressions of each other, and our childhood, just all the interesting stuff.

“Honestly,” I began. “I have ALWAYS had the biggest crush on you, but I never thought you would fall for a girl like me.”

“Can I be honest?” Luke said. “From the moment I saw you at school, I thought you were the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. I just wanted to know your name, and get to know you. When I saw you at the movies, I thought it was fate. Then I found out Jai knew you, and I just had to take my chance.”

I loved being with him. There was nothing that could bring me down now. Or so I thought…

We met back up with our group, and that’s when I saw her. That’s right. Laura.

What was she doing here? I couldn’t believe she would go this far just to ruin my life and my relationship with Luke. We walked in the opposite direction because Beau and Skip saw something that had caught their attention. “Luke…” I said to him. “What’s wrong babe?” “She’s here…”

He turned and saw her and said, “Don’t worry about her babe, just enjoy yourself!” He always knew how to make me feel better. He was the greatest. I jumped on his back, and he carried me all around the town. We all got pretty hungry, but we were all too cheap to eat somewhere in the city, so we all went back to the Brooks’ house.

“Follow me.” Luke said when we got to his house. He brought me into his room and shut the door behind him.

“Stacy… I really really like you, and I can’t see myself being with anyone else. You mean the world to me, and I wouldn’t be able to live with myself seeing you get hurt.” Luke pulled a little box out of his pocket.

“Oh my gosh Luke! Are you---“

“Shhh just listen,” he cut me off. He opened the box. “Stacy, we are only 16, so I am not asking you to marry me at this moment… but this is a promise ring. Will you accept it?”

“YES!” I was so happy in that moment, I began to cry. I couldn’t believe this was actually happening… This is going to change everything! I put the ring on my finger and admired it for quite some time. I looked up at Luke with tears in my eyes and wrapped my arms around him. We walked out of his room and into the main room to join everyone else.

Then my phone rang. It was that same unknown number. This time the message said: “You’re going to regret this…”

I Won't Give Up: Janoskians FanficWhere stories live. Discover now