Chapter 24: Jai's POV

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I always wanted to be by Laura’s side. I wasn’t sure why they were still keeping her here at the hospital. She seemed fine to me… It really bothered me that Matt was still here. Should I tell him to leave? I figured he would leave eventually but he never budged. When did they become friends? Or even meet for that matter… It was about 1 or 2 in the morning, and Laura was sleeping so I decided to get some sleep. Matt was still there, and he seemed wide awake. He would either be staring at the floor or at Laura. What were they talking about earlier before Stacy interrupted? I was so curious about everything, but maybe I am just overreacting.

I had a lot of trouble getting some sleep with Matt there. I was sitting in a maroon colored chair with a separate foot rest, so it was really difficult to get comfortable. Every time I made the slightest movement the leather would make loud noises, and the foot rest would slide across the slippery tile floors. I think I would have been more comfortable sleeping on the floor. I woke up several times during the night, and each time I woke up Matt was still sitting there completely awake, not even looking the slightest bit tired.

“Hey man, you need a pillow?” Matt said to me.

“No thanks, I’ll be alright. Thanks though.”

Matt sounded unusually pleasant and based off of my first impression of him, that wasn’t like him at all. I knew him as being pretty arrogant and rude to everyone. I mean what kind of guy kidnaps a girl for his own personal pleasure? A pretty messed up one, that’s who. I finally fell into a good sleep.

When I woke up, I wasn’t in the hospital. I actually had no idea where I was. That’s when I noticed the little window at the top of the room and I knew exactly where I was…

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