Chapter 11

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“Wait… you what?!” I exclaimed.

“Look, just forget I ever said anything. I’ll be alright, I promise. I’m happy that you’re happy with Luke.”

How could I just forget he ever said anything? I truly thought he was happy with Laura, wait, I know he is truly happy with Laura! I mean, why wouldn’t he be? I had to get home so I said goodbye to Jai, and then said my goodbyes to Luke and Beau. “No, I’m coming with you this time. I can’t have Matt pulling any funny business.”

Luke and I walked hand in hand all the way to my house with no sign of Matt. We walked inside and my mom ran straight to the door and squeezed me into a tight embrace. “Oh Stacy, I’m so glad you are home and safe.” She said. “Me too Mom, if it wasn’t for Luke I wouldn’t be” I said, shooting him a smile. He smiled back. “So what happened?” my mom asked.

“Well when I was walking home from Luke’s house, I saw someone walking in front of me and they were walking towards me. I didn’t pay much attention to him, cause I was too busy talking to Luke on the phone. Then I started hearing footsteps behind me, and then the next thing I knew I was laying in a pitch black room. I saw a window and I tried unlocking it, but I heard someone walking closer to the room. I laid back down, and that’s when I realized it was Matt. Then that morning, Luke, Beau, and Jai all came to rescue me. If it wasn’t for them, I would probably still be locked up in Matt’s basement.”

My mom was astounded at my story. She didn’t even know how to thank Luke, or Beau and Jai for that matter. “Is that how you got that bruise on your eye?” my mom asked. “Yeah.” Luke said, just kind of laughing it off. “Wow, thanks so much Luke, and tell your brothers thank you from me as well.”

“I should get going.” Luke said. He didn’t want his brothers to worry about him being gone for long. We said our goodbyes and he called me from Beau’s phone to let me know he got home and he wasn’t kidnapped by Matt or any crazy ex-girlfriends of his. I was so happy being with Luke but I couldn’t get what Jai said out of my head. Did he really like Laura? Did Laura really like him? So many questions and so little answers.

I realized that I hadn’t talked to Susan in a while, so I thought I should call her and let her know how things are going.

“Hello?” she answered.

“Hey, are you busy?”

“Uh, yeah, kind of. Why what’s up?”

“Oh, I just wanted to talk but if you’re busy we can talk another time. Call me tomorrow?”

I heard a voice in the background, and the voice sounded kind of familiar.

“Yeah, I’ll call you tomorrow!”

“Wait! Who are you with?”

“Laura and her boyfriend, why?”

“Her boyfriend? Jai is there?”

“Yeah, he just came over. Why?

“No reason, just call me tomorrow.”

“Alright, see ya!”

I was glad that Jai and Laura were hanging out, but I just wanted to make sure Laura wouldn’t hurt him. I know she wouldn’t but I still remembered when Beau just used Laura to keep Jai away from me…

My phone vibrated, and I saw a text from Laura.

I read it and it said, “He’s over you, stay away from him.”      

I Won't Give Up: Janoskians FanficWhere stories live. Discover now