Chapter 16: Luke's POV

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“Luke, would you mind walking me home? I need to let my mom know I am okay.”

“Sure thing babe.”                  

Stacy and I walked out of the house together. I was more than happy with her. She was just such a positive, free-spirited girl. I loved that about her. She was just great.

As we were walking, I heard her phone ring. I always cringed a little bit when her phone would ring because that meant that there was a chance she was getting more threatening text messages from that weird number. I wish I knew what was going on, and why this person was after her… or should I say us?

She read the text and the look of horror in her eyes scared me to death. I hated seeing her like that. As soon as she looked at me, I felt someone grab me from behind and put a blind fold on me so I couldn’t see. They brutally threw us in a van, I’m assuming because I couldn’t see anyways, and tied Stacy and I together. Every time I went to reach for her hand to try and calm her down, the rope would rub against my wrist, scraping and scratching it. We both knew this was going to be a long journey that we would have to take together.

I tried to say a few words of encouragement, but I am pretty sure she could hear how scared I was in the tone and shakiness of my voice. Then she spoke. “Luke, if anything does happen to either of us… I just want you to know… I love you.”

What? Did she just say she loved me? I mean, of course I love her back, but those weren’t the words I had expected to hear coming from her. We had only been together a few weeks… I desperately wanted to say it back but all that came out was, “Just think positive thoughts Stacy, we WILL make it through.”

I knew that then and there, I had missed my chance to really tell her how I felt about her.

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