Chapter 13

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I was scared of what was to come. But honestly, what does she have against me? I haven’t been flirting with Jai, and why would I when I am so happy with Luke?

I saw Susan during the lunch period, but she was ignoring me. In fact, it seemed like everyone was kind of avoiding me. I asked Luke if he had any clue why everyone might be avoiding me, and he told me that he had no idea. I texted Susan during lunch and asked her why she was blowing me off. She replied with, “Don’t play dumb, you know exactly what you did. I can’t believe you would do this.” “Do what?! What did I do??” I answered.

No response. I would just have to ask her later why she wasn’t speaking to me. She was one of my only really good friends at my school. I wasn’t one of the “popular girls” at the school, but I wasn’t one of the “lonely weirdoes” either. There was no way to describe my ranking in my school. More people know me now since they found out I was dating the infamous Luke Brooks, but I wasn’t interested in fake friends. I only want people to be my friend, because they like ME, not because of my boyfriend…

I saw Susan after school, and I confronted her. I noticed something different about her. Oh. My. Gosh. I thought, did she get her nose pierced? Why wouldn’t she tell me about something like that? She’s never talked about getting any piercings of any sort, so what would change her mind all of a sudden? She knew that her mom would have a fit if she got any type of piercing besides her ears. Laura had her nose pierced; maybe she pressured Susan into getting hers done also. I wonder what her mom thought about it.

“Hey.” I said to Susan.

She just kind of glared at me.

“Tell me, okay? Just tell me. What did I do that was so wrong? Why won’t you speak to me?”

“Stacy, we all know what you did. Why don’t you just confess to it?”

“Because Susan! How am I supposed to confess to something that I did, when I don’t even know what you are talking about?”

“Stacy… why would you kiss Jai?! You have a boyfriend, and that’s LAURA’S boyfriend.”

“Who told you I kissed Jai?! That NEVER happened! I’m dating Luke, why would I try to sabotage that? I’m finally happy, and I would never do anything to hurt Luke.”

“Well Laura told me.”

“LAURA?! LAURA TOLD YOU? Why would you listen to anything she says about someone else’s life?!”

“I didn’t ask how she knew, she just said she knew that you two kissed, and that’s why she punched you in the eye.”

There has to be more than the story than what Susan said. Laura knew that me kissing Jai was a rumor, because she WAS the one that made it up. I feel like there was another reason Laura was mad at me and attacking me.

That’s when I got the text from Luke saying: “Laura told me everything. I can’t believe you.”

I had to tell him that it wasn’t true. I ran around everywhere trying to find him, but he was nowhere to be found. Eventually I found him in the hallway, with his head between his knees. I sat down next to him.

“Luke, I am telling you the 100% truth right here, right now. I didn’t kiss Jai. I swear to you. Laura is trying to ruin my life by spreading rumors about me that aren’t true. Who are you going to believe; me or her?”

“I don’t know what I was thinking Stacy. I should’ve known Laura was making this entire thing up.”

I helped him up off the ground, and he held my hand as we walked outside to leave school. Susan and Laura were standing outside of the school.

They started walking towards me, when Luke stepped in front of me and said, “Listen girls, we don’t want any trouble here. Can we just figure out a solution to this altercation we have going on here?”

“Oh Luke, you’ve always looked for the easy way out,” said Laura. “But sadly there is no easy way out here.”

“What is your problem Laura? What do you have against me?”

“I’ve got plenty against you Stacy, just be careful.”

Susan and Laura walked away and Luke turned towards me.

“I can’t leave you alone. I can’t risk it. Come over to my house where I know you will be safe.”

Luke and I started walking towards his house, when my phone vibrated yet again. I was scared to check it, thinking it’d be Laura. I checked it anyways, but it was a number I have never seen before. I opened the text. It said, “I’m always watching. Don’t think you can hide” This whole situation was just getting to be too much. I called my mom and told her I would be staying at Luke’s tonight and I was too scared to come home. What if they knew where I lived? I just couldn’t risk it.

What happened the next day would change my life for the rest of my life…

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