Chapter 4

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When I looked at the phone, I just couldn’t believe what I saw. It was outrageous. Jai received a text message, and this message said: “Meet me at the park NOW. She’s lying to you!” I was astounded. Why would anyone send him this?? WHO would send him this?! I checked the number, but it wasn’t saved as a contact in his phone. I grabbed my phone, and typed in the number to see whose name would pop up. It was Laura. “Laura??” I thought to myself. Then I remembered.

Laura was a girl who was in the same class as Jai and I in grade 9. I was always jealous of her. She was tall, beautiful, and even smart! Once, she asked Jai to be her partner in an activity and I swear his jaw was about to fall off his face. Luke and Beau always had the hots for her, but they were too shy to talk to her, which I always thought was strange because they are the most outgoing people I’ve EVER met. But why would Laura be texting Jai these lies? He would always talk about her in our 3rd period. He was basically head over heels for her. 

I ran straight down to the park and told Beau to come along while James and Luke played tennis in the backyard. I found Jai and Laura talking and swinging on the swings, and by the looks of it, they were having a pretty deep conversation. I sent Beau to sneak up behind them and eavesdrop, considering he was a lot sneakier than I would be going down there. After a few minutes he came back, with a look of concern on his face. “We should go back to the house.”

We walked back to the house in silence. I wasn’t sure what to anticipate. When we got back to the house, Beau said “Uhh Stacy, I’m so sorry but…  I think Jai is using you.”

“What do you mean?! I thought he said he liked me? It’s about Laura isn’t it?”

“Yeah, I’m really sorry but from what I heard Jai thought you and Laura were good friends and he wanted to get to know her better. Jai told me personally that he might have feelings for you but he never really told me that he STILL liked you… I’m sorry.”

I couldn’t believe it. Jai never seemed like that kind of guy to leave one girl for another, especially after what happened with Luke just this morning. I was so enraged. Luke and James came in from playing tennis, all sweaty. “COME HERE AND GIVE JAMES A HUG” James said as he chased me around the room and eventually catching me getting me wet with his sweat. He put me down, and the door opened. We all turned towards the door to see Jai and Laura standing there…holding hands. Out of sadness and rage, I grabbed Luke’s hand. “Come on Luke, let’s go play some tennis.” I said while smiling at him. I could tell he was really confused, and so was Jai but I think I was going somewhere with my mischievous plan :)

When Luke and I went outside, he asked me what was going on. “Listen Luke, I do actually like you… a lot. But it’s your brother. I can’t date you if he actually did like me, but since he is with Laura now, maybe we can… you know… date?” He was silent for a moment, trying to take in what I just said. I don’t know what was taking him so long. Just a few hours ago he told me I was gorgeous and he’d love to tell everyone he was dating me.

My phone rang just then. I answered it. It was my mom telling me it was time to come home. I had lost track of time and I meant to get home before my mom usually comes home from work. It was already 7 pm, so I knew that she would be making dinner soon. I got up and told Luke I had to leave. He stood up, and said “Stacy, wait… Um… You know… I’d love to meet your parents.” “Actually it’s just me and my mom, but do you really want to meet her?”

“Of course! Why wouldn’t I want to meet girlfriend’s mom?” he said smiling. I had the widest smile on my face. A smile that I haven’t seen in a while.

Jai and Laura came out to the backyard. “Hey, we were just getting ready to leave so I’ll see you guys tomorrow?” I said.

“Uh, yeah…” Jai said. Laura just stayed quiet waiting for us to leave so her and Jai could have their alone time.

Luke and I walked to my house and just talked the whole way. I was actually scared for him to meet my mom. I didn’t know what she would think of him.

We walked in and I spotted a familiar face sitting at the dinner table in the dining room.

“Stacy…” my mom began. “Someone is here to see you.”

I couldn’t believe who I saw sitting at that table. I felt like running far, far away.  

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