Chapter 32 - Don't you dare blame this on me!

Start from the beginning

"Like I give a rat's ass." she spat.

"Mom, how'd you get here?" I asked, steering the conversation in a different direction.

"I should be asking you that. Why the hell are you here?" she asked with utter disgust.

"Mom, he wanted to see me..and to be honest, I wanted to see him as well." I admitted.

Her eyes popped open. "How could you after what he's done to us?!" she shrieked.

"There's this thing called forgiveness.." I trailed.

"Watch the attitude. You're already on my bad side." she warned.

I rolled my eyes, honestly getting fed up with her. "Mom, I understand why you're upset. But omg, chill. This is my father! I'm bound to miss him. No matter what he's done to this family-"

"Which I'm terribly sorry for." he cut in.

"-I'm still going to love him. He's my father. I need him. You may not, but I do." I said, my voice laced with irritation. My mom gaped at me, her mouth slightly open.

"How can you miss him, Charm?! What the hell is wrong with you? After all he's done to us? After all he's done to me?" She bellowed angrily. To say that what she said upset me would be the damn least.

"Stop being such a selfish b-" I was honestly about to say something I'm sure I would've regretted. But I was cut off.

"Charm.." my dad warned and I sighed.

How can you still be so keen on protecting her from verbal abuse when she hasn't stopped verbally abusing you since she arrived?

"Right now, you're being pretty selfish. You obviously don't understand why I'm here." I spat. "Look at it this way.." I started, stepping closer. "If grandpa did something terrible to the family and he got sent away, but you could see that he made a change for the better and you finally admit to yourself that you miss him everyday, and he made the offer to see you.. what would you do?" I asked vehemently.

She looked thoughtful, then a look of uncertainty flashed across her face. "I-I'd take it. But this is different-"

"No it isn't. You're just unwilling because you haven't forgiven him as yet." I spat venomously. How can she not see that she's being selfish right now?

"I forgave him a long time ago." she denied.

I scoffed. "Oh, wow. Really? Because if this is your way of forgiving.. I'd never want your forgiveness." I said coldly.

She looked stunned. "How the hell can you say that?!" she looked as though she was on the verge of tears. I'll admit I felt bad, but it's the truth.

"Because you aren't trying to see from my perspective! Right now, you don't even know why you're upset!" I barked.

"I know exactly why I'm upset. I'm upset because my daughter is betraying me." she countered.

"Oh really? I'm betraying you by coming to meet up with my father and hang for a while? Really now? Oh, and tell me.. how am I lying again? I don't remember mentioning to you that I'd never go to see daddy again. And I've visited him many times when he first was taken away." I said and she was quiet for a long while, I only shook my head. I took a hold of my dad's hand who was awkwardly standing there, silent. I didn't even give her so much as a glance when I pulled him towards the other side of the park.

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