Chapter 15 - Oh no, he didn't!

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I pulled my Spongebob, long, silky pajama pants on and did a once over in the mirror. I look good enough to go shopping. Heath didn't bother dressing up, so why would I?

Probably because I'm not as beautiful as he is.

It was now probably almost midnight. But yes, Heath and I are still going shopping. I'm just really craving marshmallows. I begged him to come to Walmart with me. He reluctantly agreed.

I stepped downstairs, meeting him and Allan standing there waiting.

"Allan's coming?" I asked, trying to muster my excitement. I just love his company. He's a really funny guy.

"Yeah. He wants some type of weird homemade noodles and he's afraid we'll get the wrong one." Heath rolled his eyes and then strolled towards the door.

"I'm very sensitive when it comes to my homemade noodles, si? So, shut your half witted pie hole." Allan muttered, following Heath outside and so did I.

Sheer agreed to watch Helix while we go. She's such a sweet heart. Scott is inside the game room waiting for Naomi's arrival. I actually welcomed her with open arms. She's a really sweet girl.

We went inside of Heath's range rover and he started it up, reversing. Allan, Heath and I talked on the way there. I was laughing of course. I couldn't help it. Some of Allan's stories were just ridiculous. He talked about Heath and how they first met. Basically, it was Allan having diarrhea and Heath had to run to the janitor's bathroom for some extra tissue because Allan had already used a whole roll. That story in particular had me rolling with laughter.

Heath pulled into Walmart's parking lot and locked up the car as we all hopped out. The lights blinked twice as he set the alarm. He really loves this jeep. We started towards the double doors and it automatically slid open, giving us access to the air conditioned place. My eyes roamed the place freely, looking through each aisle. I decided I'd shop for a couple of things instead of just my marshmallows.

I made my way through aisle three where all the toiletries were. I was bopping my head to some LMAO as they played faintly on the speakers, scoping out everything. I need my female stuff, I was running out of them at home. I noticed Heath and Allan wander off through aisle five, the snack aisle. I couldn't help shaking my head as they were arguing about what they were getting. They're such guys. I shook my head, still thinking about them and picked up a pack of pads, tissue, panty liners and other female things. I heard someone groan. I looked and saw Allan standing there.

"What?" I asked, amused.

"You're shopping for girly stuff. I thought you came for marshmallows." he mumbled.

"I was. But then, I remember that I needed some things like, pad and panty liner." I meant saying pad and panty liner with more enthusiasm than needed, which had Allan grimacing.

Allan picked up a roll of Charmin tissue and burst me in my head with it. I gasped and glared at him as he chuckled.

"You're so dead." I said, ripping open the pack of pads. I took one out and threw it at him, successfully smacking him square in the face. I barked a laugh as he cringed and threw it to the ground. The dude seriously picked up a deodorant and had it sailing through the air towards me. I gasped and dodged it, luckily.

"Oh no, you didn't!" I said, peering at him. I lunged forward, snatching Allan's hair, which he hissed at, and we flew to the ground. We landed with a loud thud and he groaned, thankfully, he was at the bottom. I grabbed a red shade of lipstick out of my purse and yanked the top off. I happily doodled on Allan's face as he tried to control my hands. He was happily laughing though, so he must be having fun.

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