Ch. 5 Who Will Survive the Night

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After making our plans we started walking around. Should we go to a church first? No. A school? Maybe. The Hospital. Yes. That was where we were headed, We made our way slowly to the hospital. Almost as if we were crawling.We were almost there when the siren went off. I grabbed my flashlight and darted for the hospital.

"Hurry everyone! Come on!" I scream.

Almost there. I was in, then Dahvie, Jayy, Ashley, Jake, CC, Andy, and Jinxx. Then the door slammed shut

"Guys, it won't budge!" Sandra screams.

We pushed and pushed but the door just wouldn't open.

"Oh my God! What the hell is that?" Sandra yells, then starts to scream.

"Put me down! Down!" She yells at whatever the monster was.

She gives out one more scream, then I don't hear her anymore.

"Sandra!" I scream, hoping for an answer back, which I didn't get.

Just as I was about to let out another scream, something busts through the door. I look u to see Ashley choking on his own blood. A sword was stuck into his chest. I screamed his name over and over again until he fell to the ground. He was still alive, choking on his sblood. I started to cry.

"We don't have time for water works. Now come on!" Dahvie yells, and starts running.

I did as I was told and ran after him. I'd have time to mourn later. I looked behing me to see if anything was chasing me, which of course, there was, and its was a bloody Lurker. (S.H. Homecoming)

Present Time- Ashley's P.o.V.

I woke up in a white room. I looked around and seen four bodies laying aroun me. Andy, Jake, Jinxx, and CC were all here and breathing. It kind of looked like they were all in coma's. So Silent Hill had been just a dream? No, I remember it all too well, and what the light had said to me. If I didn't change my ways, I would go back, and I wouldn't be given another chance.

A doctor walked in and noticed I was awake.

"Good morning, Mr. Purdy." He says.

I waved. "What happened?" I asks.

"You and your friends were all in a car accident. You have been in a coma for two days. You have made well progress. I'm sure your friends will be awakening soon." He says, and walks out of the room.

I highly doubt that. Hey, Sandra died in Silent Hill too. Maybe she's alive and awake. I decided  to call her.

"Hello?" She answers.

"Sandra, its Ashley." I say, calmly.

"Your alive!" She screams into the phone.

"And you are too!" I say.

"Wait, did you die too?" She asks.

"Yeah. Sword in the chest." I say.

"What does that mean though? When you die, you come back to reality?" She asks.

"Yeah, I guess. Were you in a coma, too?" I ask her.

"Yeah, I had a bullet in my head. Lucky to be alive. Did you see the white light, too?" She asks me.

"Yeah, did it tell you to start making better decisions or you'd be brought back to Silent Hill and really be killed the next time?" I ask.

"Yeah. Hey I gotta go. Tell the guys I say hi, whenever they wake up. Bye, Ashley!" Sandra says, and hangs up.

As she hung up, CC shot up in his bed, holding his head.

"How'd you die?" I ask.

He looks at me strangely before answering.

"Some weird, undead mermaid thing swiped my head right off." He says.

"Sandra says hi." I say.

Back to Silent Hill- Alicia's P.o.V.

Dahvie and I started getting ahead of everyone. CC fell behind. I heard his screams, yet kept running. Eventually the blackness became light again. We stopped running and I fell to the floor in a pile of tears. They ran down my face. I thought they would never stop. No one attempted to calm me down. I didn't blame them. They had just lost people that they loved. Poor CC, Sandra and Ashley. Hopefully they were in a better place, now.

ok, I am so sorry that it has taken me this long to update this, but I didn't think anyone was liking this story.

Umm there's only 10 chapters to this story, and I'm sorry about killing everyone I killed. Sandra : [ Ashley! CC!

Silent Hill: Survival of the Bands and a Fan (ft. BVB, BOTDF, and Sandra Alva)Where stories live. Discover now