Ch. 10 You're all Alone. Now Let's Talk

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After I stopped hearing the guys screams, I got a horrible headache. I fell to my knees in pain. That was how bad that this headache hurt. I knew that it wasn't of natural causes.

"Hello Alicia." A voice says. It sounded like it was inside of my head.

"That's because I am in your head. Now I want you to listen to me very closely. You have to change your life. Stop the cutting and the abusing of yourself. You are perfect, no matter what you and others think of yourself. If you don't stop, I will bring you and your friends back here, and I won't give you all another chance. I will make sure of it that you all die." The voice says.

"Ok." I say, finally understanding why I was here in the first place.

"Good. Now when you wake up, you will be in a hospital bed. I want you to call the nurse in right when you wake up. Good luck to you, and please try to learn from this." The voice says.

I open my eyes and look around the room. I find the remote and call in a nurse. She and two other nurses walk in behind her. I waved and smiled at them. They smile and walk out. I was alive! I felt amazing!

I looked down at my arm and examine my most recent cuts. The last night before I was in Silent Hill I had cut up my right arm pretty badly. That was probably the reason why I was here. My horrible addiction of cutting myself, but due to Silent Hill, I had learned from my mistakes. I vow to never hurt myself again.

one more chapter left!!!

Silent Hill: Survival of the Bands and a Fan (ft. BVB, BOTDF, and Sandra Alva)Where stories live. Discover now