Chapter 5

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You and Sun walk into Iki town and see Kukui, Lillie, Hau, and Moon. Sun pulls you close and you could see Moon with a mad look on her face. You look down and sigh. Hala walks up to you and smiles. "Are you ready (Y/N)?" he asks. You nod and go onto the stage then send out (S/P). After awhile you finally win but your pokemon were badly hurt. Then Hala walks up to you and hands you the fightnium z and you take it with a smile, and thank him before heading to the pokemon center. Once you arrive you see Sun and smile slightly at him then ask nurse joy to heal your pokemon. She nods and heal them then Sun walks up to you and smiles, "Hey (Y/N)" he then hugs you and you hug back. Oh how you wished it was Moon hugging you like this... but you sigh and think to yourself, maybe i should just give up... after all i'm not good enough for her... you then snap out of your thoughts and see Sun looking at you with a worried expression on his face. "(Y/N) you okay? You thinking about something?" you just shake your head and push him away. You then go over to nurse joy and take you're healed pokemon thanking her in the process. Then you walk out and see Hau kissing Lillie leaving you shocked. I thought he liked Moon?... then Hau pulls away and sees you. He smiles and walks up to you with Lillie following him. "Hey (Y/N) how's it been going?" he asks you and you shrug, "it's been alright i guess, i have been trying to get stronger but that's it..." you say and he smiles more, "well that's good and have you seen Moon around?" he asks and you shake your head, " no i haven't seen her since this morning, since Sun pulled me close when we walked by her..." then it hit you she must have been jealous, but why over me? you thought. You then hear a loud explosion coming from the stage and you run in that direction. Once you get there you couldn't believe what you saw, both Moon and Sun were on the stage battling each other using their strongest pokemon, But little did you know they were battling over you.  

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