Chapter 3

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"Well well well, looks like I found the pretty girl again" the familiar voice says. You whine and were about to tell (N/FSP) to attack but Ilima sends a pokemon out instead. After that the grunt runs away and Ilima smiles at you. "Shall I see if you're ready for my trail?" he asks. You nod and send (N/FSP) out. You win and decide to wait to do the trail when Moon was done battling Ilima. You were walking down route 2 and see a Delibird and it flies to you and pulls your bag. "What is it?" You ask. It keeps pulling your bag and drags you into the berry field. Your eyes widen at what you saw and you sigh in frustration. "It's the pretty girl again" the grunt says. "Stop calling me pretty cause I'm not!!' You scream. "You know the boss surely will like you" the second grunt says. You growl and battle them and they run away. "Thank you young lady" the man says. "You're welcome" You say with a smile. After you got some berries from him you decide to go to a pokemon center and heal your pokemon up. When you do you see Moon and Hau together and they were about to kiss and you run out and just decide to use the potions you had left. You felt your heart break and you cry. You were in love with Moon but didn't want to tell her. "(Y/N)?" You hear a voice say. You look up and see that it was Sun. "Y-yeah?" You ask as you wipe your tears away. "You okay?" he asks. "No.... My heart just got broken...." you say. He hugs you and smiles. "Hey don't worry (Y/N)" he says. "H-how?" you ask. "You know Moon likes you. She just wants you to get jealous." he says. You scoff and look down. He lifts your chin up and smiles. "How about we make Moon jealous we can pretend that we're dating" he says. "I... I don't know" you say. "Look (Y/N) I like you but you love Moon more so I'll let you be with her." He says. "Sun.... Just give me time to think about it...." You say then go to the trail.

Author's note: Sorry this one is so short!! But I want to make the chapters shorter and still working on Chapter 4 but what do you guys think should you date Sun or no. Write what you want me to do in the comments below! 

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