Chapter 21

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I'm so sorry this took so long to update, I've been pretty busy lately but alas, Chapter 21. Enjoy :)


Chapter 21:

Sofia’s POV:

One week had passed and we were in Colorado for our final show of Warped Tour. The past few shows have been amazing; we met so many of the amazing fans and to see their excited faces just made my day. I had got some really awesome pictures of them playing their sets and I can just picture us all looking back at them and remembering what a great time we’ve had. While the guys sold merch and met fans, Grace and I took the time to go and watch some of the other acts. In the past week we had seen Of Mice and Men, who were absolutely astounding! We saw Hands Like Houses and of course, Cole insisted we went and saw The Bangups, although I must admit because of him I am a bit obsessed.

As it’s our final Warped Tour date, Grace and I would take our places at the side of the stage to enjoy their performance. They were due on stage in ten minutes and everybody was preparing to go on. Grace was with Cole warming up his voice, Joey was nervously spinning his drumsticks, Seb was playing scales on his sax and Max was talking quietly to Travis about something.

“Do you have any idea what’s going on between those two?” Joey asked me. I shook my head and took his hand.

“I wish I did though.” I replied softly.

“We’ll find out soon enough.” Joey said optimistically.

“I sure hope so.” I sighed. Cole then came over and placed his hand on Joey’s shoulder.

“You ready to go, bro?” he asked, I could see the nervousness in his eyes. One thing I have learned on Warped Tour is that the performers should and will always be nervous, you can never predict a show but one thing is for sure, is that it’ll be amazing.

“Yeah, yeah I think so.” He said, inhaling a deep breath. Max and Travis soon came over to join us, Grace and Seb following not too far behind.

And that was it, they all went on stage and the crowd of maybe 600 people went absolutely crazy for them all. Seeing the grins instantly form on each of their faces honestly made me so proud of them, and judging by the look of joy and excitement on Grace’s face, I could tell she clearly felt the same. The guys changed it up a little today and played ‘Kids Just Wanna Dance’ first and then went into ‘Asslete.’ The crowd were mesmerised, moshing to every sound that they made.

Grace and I took in everything from the side of the stage, still as ecstatic as the very first time we saw them. We may be dating two of the members, but we still fangirl at their concerts. It’s just what you do in these situations. The set list went on, The Gutter, The Rescuers, War and Little Face were played, and Max had just announced that Travis was to sing Astro Zombies. This was the first time that it had happened since I had been touring with them, but I had heard that it happens on special occasions.

As the intro sounded, I saw a huge grin appear on Travis’s face as his first solo line was coming up.

“With just a touch of my burning hand, send my astro zombies to rape the land. Exterminate the whole human race.” His voice had a nice ring to it, it was more angelic than Max and Cole’s yet fitted the song perfectly.

About fifteen minutes later and the concert came to an end. Seb had joined them for Digital Drugs and even played along with Lost at Seventeen.

“Thank You very much Colorado for having us. We’re Emily’s Army from OaklandCalifornia, come find our tent for merch and pictures with us. Also before we go, we have an important announcement to make.” Max began. Cole and Joey looked a little shocked at this, as did Grace and I.

“What do you think it could be?” Grace asked from beside me, I shrugged.

“Travis, would you like to do the honours?” Max suggested as he stepped aside from his microphone stand to allow Travis to take his place.

“It’s been a wonderful journey. These guys are like my family, as are Grace and Sofia.” He began, giving us a wave from on stage. The entire crowd was silent.

“I have decided to part ways with the band.” He choked.

“WHAT?!” Cole exclaimed before pulling him in for a huge hug and was soon followed by Max, Joey and Seb. Grace and I felt it appropriate to join the affection and ran on stage to comfort him. A few cries came from the crowd and when the embrace came to an end, Travis was crying a little.

“Well this news has come as a shock for all of us, so it’s only right to do a final song of Travis’s choice.” Cole said with a hint of sadness in his voice.

“How’s If Our Music Plays Again?” he suggested, everybody agreed and so they began playing. Towards the end of the song, Max insisted Travis put his guitar down and stage dive. He didn’t hesitate and the crowd’s reaction was insane.

Later that evening, we were due to drive out of Colorado so we had to say our final goodbyes to Travis. It was emotional to say the least and there wasn’t a dry eye in the parking lot. It came to my turn and I was drawn into a meaningful hug.

“I’m going to miss you so much dude!” I cried into his shirt.

“You too, little midget.” He said with a wink, making me smile a little.

“Stay strong and text me!” I insisted. He nodded and pulled me in for a final hug. He kissed the top of my hug, in a friendly way. Everybody joined the hug and it lasted for about five minutes.

And that was it. We were all stood in the parking lot as his friends picked him up. Their car drove into the darkness and everybody was far too shocked and upset to break the silence. Goodbye Travis Neumann, you rock.

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