Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Joey’s POV:

Last night with Sofia honestly made me feel so happy, I felt that she needed something to take her mind off of what happened with her dickhead of a boyfriend and that asshole, Noah. Even if she doesn’t feel the same about me, I’m honoured to see her happier. We were still laid in the truck but I was the first awake. I roll over to face Sofia and wrap my arms around her which was when I saw her eyes flicker open.

“Morning.” I whisper whilst smiling at her.

“Hey, thanks for suggesting this. It was amazing.” She replied, returning the smile.

“We should probably go in and get ready considering we need to drive to Italy today.” I suggested, still with my arm around her waist.

“Yeah that might be best.” Sofia agreed as we began to drag the blankets and pillows to the lift in the hotel. I kept finding my eyes wandering over to her and an incredibly happy smile forming on my face. Right as this happened, Sofia caught my eye. I felt myself blushing and turned my head in the opposite direction.

Once we’d gotten to the room and everyone’s luggage was packed. We decided to start our journey to Milan. Sofia and I sat together and then the questions began.

“So Joey and Sofia, what went on with you guys last night?” Max taunted.

“We slept in the back of the truck. Nothing more, nothing less.” Sofia answered honestly. I nodded in agreement. Travis looked over at me and winked as if to say ‘Get in there!’

Cole was unusually quiet so I thought I’d try starting a conversation with him.

“What’s up Coley?” I teased. He didn’t find this at all amusing.

“Elise. That’s what’s up.” He replied solemnly. Elise was Cole’s girlfriend and had been for the past 2 years.

“Care to explain?” I asked curiously.

“We had an argument last night. She thinks I don’t care about her and I put everything else before her which is absolute bullshit because I love her with all my heart. Then she ended it.” He managed to spill out, a single tear rolling down his cheek. I felt awful for him. Cole had been planning to surprise Elise when we got off the tour by telling her that he’d gotten a place in the same college as her which would have meant the world to her. I comforted him whilst everyone else was respectful and started telling crappy jokes to try and cheer him up.

After hours of this, we finally arrived in Milan. It was sunset and there was a beautiful lake about a 10 minute walk from our hotel. We all agreed to walk down and get some pizza. Once we’d arranged ourselves by the lake and eaten our pizza I pulled Sofia up and suggested we go for a walk. Nobody else noticed we were leaving as they were too caught up in a conversation about the Oakland Raiders.

We’d been walking for about five minutes before I broke the silence.

“We should do something together whilst we’re here.” I suggested innocently.

“Like what?” Sofia asked.

“I guess we could look around the city and see what’s here.” I replied. Sofia agreed and we decided to do just that tomorrow. I have to say I’m looking forward to it.

“Hey, I have an idea. Do you know how to skate?” she questioned.

“Yeah, do you?” I replied, pretty shocked Sofia suggested this.

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