Chapter 24

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Sofia's POV:

The next few days were a blur. I remember sitting on the park bench with my limp, frail body laying at my feet. At first I was bewildered by the whole concept. Was I dead? Had I achieved what I had set out to do? I came to the conclusion that this, whatever this was, was life after death and I must be a ghost. As a kid, the idea of being a festering body in a wooden box made me feel uncomfortable. It disheartened me, even now, to think that my entire existence would be forgotten. Everything that I had ever done would be meaningless; it felt as if none of it mattered to anyone any more. Give it a month or so and my name will be unspoken of, merely a taboo subject.

I found myself unable to move, like I was still tied down by the shittiness of my life. So I remained seated on the park bench, taking in the world and turning a blind eye to what I thought was my dead body.

Only it turned out I was not dead, just unconscious.

I heard footsteps bounding in my direction. I looked down and saw a Norfolk Terrier sniffing at my face. Naturally I reacted to this.

'Dude stop licking my face.' But nothing, of course the dog couldn't hear me. Not long later, a boy that must have been around my own age came into my view and was calling what I assumed was the dog's name.

'Archie! Archie what are you-' he stopped dead in his tracks. Within seconds he'd drawn out his phone and was dialling 911. The operator was telling him how to put me into the recovery position and that he should stay with me until the ambulance arrived.

Then the ambulance came, took me to hospital, ran a load of tests and attached countless wires to me. I couldn't feel any of it but I was forced to watch everything take place.

I remember Joey's face the first time he came to visit.

He was devastated.

I couldn't help but panic that when I woke up, if I woke up, Joey wouldn't want to be with me. I had let him down so much, he thought everything was okay. Why should he have to put up with all of my shit? But every single day I was in the Intensive Care Unit, he came to visit without fail. The others would visit as well. Max and Seb would come together Cole and Grace often paid me visits as well. But there was one visit that really stood out to me, one that I will never forget.

It was a few days after I had been admitted into hospital. Everyone was at college so I knew it wouldn't be anybody that I'd expect. A tall, masculine figure came and sat by my side. He gazed at my muted face and sighed. The silence was drowned out by the ever constant beep of my hear monitor. He took my hand and opened his mouth. His familiar voice began to speak.

'Sof, I know Joey and everyone tells you to hang in there and that it will get better. But I understand if you want to let go. I mean it's why your here in the first place. Sure, we'd all be upset but none of us want anything more than for you to be happy.' he began.

I felt relieved. He really did understand how I was feeling. Everyone else has been so positive, telling me that it will get better and that I will get through this. None of them had considered how I felt; what I wanted. Maybe I wanted to drop off of the face of this cruel planet.

He must have stayed a good few hours because Joey came by at 5 o'clock. His usual time. He saw the man sat by my side and his face softened.

'You made it then huh?' Joey whispered taking the man by surprise.

'Of course I did.' he stood up and embraced Joey.

'I've missed you Travis.' Joey admitted. Travis gave him a smile and told him that he too was missing Joey, myself and everyone else.

They stayed until visiting hours were over and they were both forced to leave by the unit's nurses.

But that was four months ago.

After hearing what Travis had to say, I reconsidered everything. Yes, death was what I wanted at the time but I had to take into consideration how much it would affect the people that I cared about the most. There was no way I could do that to them. I don't know whether my change of heart was coincidental or when you're in that kind of situation, you make the decision to stay or go yourself, but I pulled through.

I woke up when I had no visitors and talked everything through with my nurses. It was strange to be able to feel things after a few days of seeing the world outside of my own body. I was under section for two months before I was discharged, but coming home was beautiful.

Billie Joe and Adrienne decided to cook a huge meal for everyone to celebrate my recovery and how nice it was for me to be out of hospital. I appreciated everything ever so much. I wish I could have seen just how beautiful life is before I tried to take my own life.

Of course I spoke over everything with Joey.

'I'm so sorry, I didn't feel like I could manage it any more. I just felt so weak and unwanted that everyone would just be better off without me.'

'Please don't think like that. Feeling that way isn't normal and I just wish you would have told me sooner. But I understand that you didn't want me to worry or that you just didn't want to talk about it. As for college, you don't have to go back. You can do an open course or something and work from home. Why should you have to deal with anything like that?' He said. He was so much more understanding than I thought he'd be.

Eventually, I managed to return to college. Lydia and her gang had dropped out by that point. Every day was getting better and better. I wasn't quite 100 percent just yet but I was certainly on my way. Everything is going swimmingly.


Hey, I'm so so sorry for updating in like four months. I'm not promising regular updates but I had some spare time so here's the thing.

I'm sorry if it's not great but something is better than nothing, right?

I hope that every single one of you beautiful people have a good day and things are going well for you :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2015 ⏰

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