Chapter 3

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Joey’s POV:

Paris, the city of love. Except Cole was the only one with a girlfriend and she wasn’t with us. It was our second day here, we arrived yesterday and went sight seeing for a few hours. All the time, I just wanted to be near Sofia, I figured that I should tell Travis as he was closest to her.

“Hey Travis, can I talk to you for a moment?” I asked him as he was playing his guitar.

“Sure, take a seat.” He replied barely looking up.

“I think I like Sofia.” I told him, looking around making sure nobody else was around. Travis suddenly looked up at me a little shocked by the looks of things.

“You mean, you have a crush on Sofia?” He asked saying each word slowly so he could be sure I was saying the right thing.

“Yeah, well I think so. I just always want to be around her and I think she’s beautiful.” I told him honestly. He smiled at me and put his guitar down.

“Well if that’s how you feel, tell her. We’re in Paris; it’s the perfect place to do it!” He said and I knew he was right. But that was the thing, was that how I felt? How could I be sure when I’d known her for 4 days?

I went to my room in the hotel and looked into the mirror at myself. I took my hat off and ran my hand through my chocolate colored hair. Who am I kidding, why would someone so beautiful want to be with someone like me. I felt myself feeling more and more down that all I could bring myself to do was to drum. Then I realized my kit was set up at tonight’s venue. I collapsed on my bed and just thought about how Sofia could do so much better than me. I fell asleep thinking about her.

“Joey, Joey wake up.’ I heard a delicate voice whisper. I immediately knew who’s it was I opened my eyes and her beautiful face made my heart flutter.

“It’s time to go to the show isn’t it?” I asked her sleepily.

“Yeah, Travis told me you’d rather have me wake you than him.” She said smiling at me. Travis was very right to think that.

“Hmm, well we should probably get going I guess.” I said returning the smile.

We walked together into the car in peaceful silence. It wasn’t awkward, I just admired her company. Once we reached the car, Travis wiggled his eyebrows at me; I winked at him and felt the car start moving towards the venue.

“Look at the EiffelTower!” Cole said excitedly, we all gazed up in awe, Paris was a truly beautiful city and although we didn’t get to see as much of it as we would if we were on holiday, we still got glimpses of its beauty.

We pulled up outside the venue and there were about 20 fans outside. We went over to greet them as we had a while before the show started.

“Hey guys!” Max said to the excited group. Sofia tensed up a little so I rested my hand on her shoulder to reassure her. After taking many pictures and signing some stuff, we all went backstage to our dressing room.

“Okay guys listen up; we’re playing a big place tonight.” Max began wisely. “We need to keep the energy at a high all the way through and not accidentally speed up the songs, so Joey that’s down to you.” He said whist I understandingly nodded at him.

“Sofia, keep getting great shots. And finally, Travis and Cole, we all need to make sure our guitars are tuned before we go on.” Everyone was hyped up for the show but I just wasn’t feeling it. Of course I was excited but I have a feeling something isn’t going to go as expected on this tour.

Sofia’s POV:

Joey hasn’t been the same today. He just seemed so pissed off all day. I’ll talk to him about it after the show. Lately Travis and I have been getting on so much better. It turns out we both have an extreme love of High School Musical and we spent a lot of yesterday singing along to the soundtrack. Our friendship is one of those where nobody else would understand our train of thoughts, our weirdness is unique and we are so similar it’s unbelievable. Just a few days ago, Travis was the guy I looked up to and would die just to get to spend five minutes with. Now he’s my best friend and I get to tour with him and the three other boys that saved my life.

As the show came to and end the boys came off stage, I ran into Travis’s arms.

“That was so good!” I told him excitedly. He was so much taller than me and he shrunk the band.

“I saw you singing along to everything.” He said, lightly pushing my shoulder. We joked around for a minute or two until I saw Joey walk past still looking pretty pissed off.

“You should probably go and talk to him.” Travis said, I nodded and walked over to the small sofa I found Joey on, his head in his hands.

“What’s up?” I ask, making him jump a little.

“Nothing, I just have a lot on my mind lately.” He replied barely making eye contact.

“Bullshit.” I said. This brought a small smile onto his face.

“That is what I love about you Sofia. I’ve known you for a few days and you can already see right through me.” He said honestly. I sprawled onto the floor and became comfortable. I stayed in this bazaar position for a while and had a lengthy conversation with Joey; it was nice to see him happier although I really want to know what was running through that head of his.

We got into the car, Joey driving this time and I sat up front with him. I started humming the tune to ‘Two week fling’ which was a song Joey and Travis wrote, having heard this, I personally think Joey should stick to playing drums.

“It wasn’t supposed to be some date, just a silly little two week fling” I whispered. Joey heard and began joining in.

“I like her for a couple days before I win in dark new haze.” He whispered back.

“They hooked up for an hour or two while I sat out on the avenue; it was good but not so great. It was only a stupid date.” We sang a little louder before it turned into full on singing.

“Man I love my two week flings, you don’t have to give in anything. Hook up once and then move on. Man it is so much fun!” we both sang at the top of our lungs. It sounded awful but nobody cared.

“That was some award worthy singing.” Cole said sarcastically whilst Max and Travis applauded us. We all swaggered into the hotel singing ‘What time is it?’ from high school musical 2. Travis and I sang Sharpay and Ryan’s parts whilst the others split roles between them.

We went to our room and watched some TV but most of it was in French. Our next show was in Zurich, Switzerland in three days, I wasn’t so excited for this show. Why, I had no idea.


Hey guys, I know this chapter was pretty crap, but I have had some stuff on the past few days but it will get better soon I promise!

 - Kirsty :D

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