Chapter 19

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Chapter 19:

Joey’s POV:

It had been a week since everyone had arrived in California, and today was also the day that we all leave for Warped Tour. Our first show is in San Antonio, Texas. Then we’d move on to do five other dates and after that, it was back to college for all of us. Sofia had gotten a place in the same college as me which was great!

Everybody was meeting Sofia and I near the beach, but we’d arrived early so we decided to take a walk. We left our shoes in my car and walked hand in hand along the seafront, letting the bitterly cold water crash into our ankles.

“I’m so excited for Warped Tour, Joey!” Sofia exclaimed. I remember the first time Emily’s Army went on Warped Tour, we had so much fun and made so many memories. I can completely understand Sofia’s excitement.

“Me too, it’s gonna be so great. We get to travel America, play shows, hang out and see other bands all at the same time!” I replied with just as much excitement. Just as we were walking along the beach, we saw a horribly familiar face jogging in our direction.

“Oh shit.” I muttered, rolling my eyes.

“What’s up? Who is she?” Sofia asked. I was about to respond but she was in earshot. The girl stopped jogging and turned to look at us.

“Well, well, well. If it isn’t Joey Armstrong.” She growled with her soft lisp taking any kind of aggression out of it.

“Hello, Elise.” I replied bluntly. Sofia’s eyes lit up in realisation.

“You must be the bitch that broke Cole’s heart, well, I got news for you. He’s met someone else and they’re both so happy together. So if you’d take the honour of getting the fuck out of our lives that’d be great.” Sofia suddenly spat. I didn’t know she had that sassy attitude in her. Elise seemed shocked at this and rolled her eyes.

“I don’t care, I’ve moved on too, I mean my new guy, he’s so much better than Cole anyway.” She stuttered, clearly lying. Sofia and I rapidly ended the conversation and made our way back to my car. On the way back Sofia turned to me and said

“Gnarly.” The way she said it was in such a sarcastic tone and it made me laugh.

When we arrived, we saw that Grace, Cole and Max had arrived; we were just waiting on Travis and Seb.

“Hey guys!” Max greeted with a huge smile on his face. Out of everyone, Max is always by far the most excited to go on Warped Tour. It was cute seeing Grace and Cole together. It’s like they’re meant to be. Cole in particular seems so much happier and they’re so comfortable around each other. It wasn’t too long before Seb and Travis showed up, armed with bags of food.

“Hey, sorry we’re late. We just got a few snacks for the journey.” Seb explained.

“A few snacks? That’s enough to feed the whole of China for a month!” Sofia joked. We all hopped into my car and began our long lasting road trip to San Antonio

The thing that I’ve always loved about road trips with these guys is that just a car journey can create so many memories. We literally spend our time eating, taking mug shots of one another and singing along to each other’s music. We were currently listening to the music on Travis’s phone, which of course meant a lot of Destiny’s Child songs. Today, we’d be driving for twelve hours before we stop for the night in some hotel Seb booked. Then tomorrow we’d do the final leg of the journey with Warped Tour the day after.

Grace and Cole were holding each other’s hands and chatting, Max, Travis and Seb were singing along whilst me and Sofia took in the view of the highway from the driver and passenger seats. There’s not that much of a thrilling view but Sofia seems mesmerised by the way we drive on the other side of the road, even though they do in most of Europe as well. We were all brought back into reality when there was a bit of a thud.

“Joey, what was that?” Cole asked from the very back of the car. I steered towards the hard shoulder to pull over as my car continued to make more unpleasant sounds. This was not good.

We all stepped out and everyone helped examine the car to see what was wrong.

“Dude, we’re gonna have to call the AA or something.” Max said as we all failed to see what the problem was and decided it was best to leave the experts to tamper with it. As I paced back and forth on the phone, the others decided to play ‘I spy.’

“I spy with my little eye, something beginning with ‘S’” Travis announced.

“Seb?” Grace asked.

“Shoe?” Cole questioned

“Sign?” Max followed. He shook his head at all three. They tried to come up with some more but none the less, they were all wrong.

“Sexy-ass Travis.” He chuckled. We couldn’t help but giggle at his immaturity. I soon joined the others and we agreed to eat some of the food we brought with us. We mainly had chocolate, crisps, doughnuts and pizza.

The rest of the day went fairly fast. We were all towed back to a garage and my car was soon ready to drive again. Once we’d finally arrived for the night, everyone wanted to pass out, so that’s exactly what we did. Each person said their goodnights and made their way to whichever room they were staying in for the night. Sofia and I had clamed the second double room, the other being for Cole and Grace. There was a king-sized bed in the centre with light, feathered pillows and a blanket that looked perfect. The covers had a floral, ivory laced pattern on them and it looked truly beautiful. By far the best hotel Seb had picked for us.

Sofia saw the room and dived head first onto the bed, completely messing up the way it had been neatly made which made me chuckle a little. Her immaturity made her unique and it was one of the many things I adored about her. I joined her on our bed and took her hand. She squeezed mine in acknowledgement.

“I can’t wait for tomorrow. I have a feeling it’ll be awesome.” Sofia exclaimed from beside me.

“Me neither, you’re going to love Warped Tour. I promise!” I told her, even though I’m sure she already knew.

I let Sofia borrow my Vaccines shirt to sleep in because that’s her favourite apparently. She slithered from the bathroom across the floor and into the bed. She’s the weirdest but most amazing girl I know.

“What are you doing?” I giggled, watching her struggle across the floor. She stopped where she was and looked me dead in the eye.

“Joey. I’ve been meaning to tell you this for a while.” She whispered. For some reason I felt nervous. What was she going to say?

“I’m a snake.” She said with a serious tone to her voice. I couldn’t help but laugh.

“How did I not see this coming? I’m sorry Sofia, but I don’t think I can date a snake, it just doesn’t feel right. I mean, you could eat me!” I said trying to sound just as serious. Sometimes, I question the sanity of ourselves when we have a conversation like this.

“Fine. Well I guess this is it then. I call dibs on the bed as I need to stretch all my slithery body.” She teased, poking her tongue out at me before hissing and leaping on me.

I placed a kiss on her nose and hugged her tightly.

“You’re weird and I love it.” I whispered, this made a smile form on her face.

“Why thank you, you’re not so bad yourself.” She replied, leaning in and kissing me straight afterwards. We laid ourselves down and cuddled each other underneath the blanket. Once again, everything was perfect.

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