Chapter 12

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Chapter 12:

Sofia's POV:

I rolled over to look at my phone. It read '3:56 am, 1 new message.' Oh fuck. For three days now, Alex had been sending me messages, telling me how he hates Joey's guts and when he finds us will kill the both of us. It broke my heart at the thought of loosing Joey. He was the only thing keeping me alive, quite literally. As more depressing thoughts filled my mind, I heard Joey groan and I instantly knew he was awake.

"Sofia, sweetie why are you awake?" he whispered in a sleepy voice.
"I just couldn't sleep I guess." I told him. It was the truth, I couldn't sleep and it was Alex's fault. Joey sighed and took my hand.
"Baby, he's not gonna hurt you.  He doesn't know where we are." he said kissing my head.
"It's not me I'm worried about. It's you." I replied, a tear rolling down my cheek.
"Don't worry about me, I can handle that dickhead. Just please, try and get some sleep." he pleaded. I nodded and buried my head into his chest so I could hear his heart beat.
"I love you Joey." I whispered, I heard his heart beat speed up right after I said it.
"I love you too." he replied.

"Get yo' bitch asses out of bed!" Seb roared whilst leaping on our bed, completely interrupting my sleep. Joey groaned and pulled the covers over both our heads.
"We're flying to Germany today, you haven't packed so like I said get your bitch asses up!" Seb yelled. So Joey and I dragged ourselves up and began packing for Germany. We only had a few bits to pack because there's no point in unpacking everything for  just a few days. I took a change of clothes and my makeup and went to the bathroom.

Once I was dressed, I turned to see my reflection in the mirror. I really began to hate myself, I feel there's not enough make up in the world to make me look any better. I don't get what Joey sees in me, out the corner of my eye, I saw Joey's razor blade gleaming in the light. It was so tempting. 'No, snap out of it Sofia.' I thought to myself, I've been clean for four months, I don't wanna slip back into that dark horrible place. A knock at the door brought me back into reality,
"Boo, we've gotta leave in five minutes." I heard Joey say from the other side of the door.
"Okay." I replied, picking my pyjamas up off the floor and making my way out of the bathroom.

It wasn't long before we were boarding the death trap. I took my place between Max and Joey. The plane was being taxied onto the runway and I squeezed Joey's hand. He leant over and kissed me softly. I puller away and looked at Max who was smiling at me sympathetically. Once we were in the air, I felt myself drifting off to sleep.

I recognise my surroundings, it's the fountain where Joey first kissed me! And there he was, looking into my eyes, smiling at me.
"I love you, Joey. " I whispered to him. He just smirked and shook his head. Joey turned on his heel and began walking away, I tried chasing after him but he'd been engulfed by darkness. There was a tap on my shoulder,  I turned around to see Alex laughing at me, he shoved me to the ground and told me I was ugly, worthless and pathetic. Then, like Joey, I was swallowed by the infinite darkness below me.

I sat up with a gasp to a stationery plane. I was still sat between Max and Joey, every other passenger was leaving the plane. Thank god it was just a dream. But Alex's harsh words stuck in my mind, he was really bringing me down lately. Grace came over to me when we were at the airport.
"I had no idea you hate flying!" she said placing her hand on my shoulder in sympathy.
"Yeah, I just find it horrible." I replied smiling at her.
"Aw that must suck,  hey, if I tell you something you have to swear on your life not to tell anybody. Okay?" she asked.
"Right okay, when we were on the flight here, Cole and I were separated from you guys. Anyway, I though before about it but I'm now sure. I have a bit of a thing for Cole." Grace said, blushing a little. Grace and Cole seem to have gotten off to a great start, I don't see what's stopping Cole liking Grace back.

"That's really cute!" I said excitedly to her.
"Thank you so much! We get on so well but well... Elise." she replied glancing over to where Cole was.
"Give it time, he'll be crazy for you sooner or later." I told her with a wink.

Later that evening, we were about to go to dinner in the hotel. I was in my room and Joey walked in. He placed his hands on my waist and kissed my neck.
"I love you." he whispered. His voice sent a shiver down my spine.
"I love you too." I replied turning around to kiss him. As it got a bit more passionate, I heard Seb cough at our door. Max shouted
"Get a room!"
Joey and I just laughed and we all made our way down to dinner.

As everyone took their places around the table, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. But this time,  it was a call. I excused myself and went to the toilets to check my phone.

I had a missed call from Alex. He hadn't called me before, but he'd left a voice message.
"You listen to me you little bitch. I'm going to find out where you are, I'm going to bring you home and that Joey guy is going to get it unless you fucking end it with that prick." he scoffed. God I hate that guy. The door opened and Grace walked in and over to the basins where I was stood.
"Alex?" she asked, I nodded to her, a tear rolling down my cheek. "Sofia, you don't need to worry about him. Joey is there for you as am I and the rest of the band. Everything will be fine,  I promise." Grace said giving me a comforting hug. We went back to the table and I took my seat next to Joey. I tried to enjoy the rest of the evening but because of Alex, I just couldn't. I was being dragged back into the dark, horrible place I was in before.

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