Chapter 13

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Renji's POV
I woke up hugging something....unusual. Then I smelled a familiar smell and felt the same warmth from last night. Y/N slept over. I smiled and unwrapped my arms from her, making her face scrunch up in annoyance.

"Oi, Y/N, time to get up." I gently shook her and stood up.

"Gah...fuck that I'm staying here." She rolled over and snatched a pillow to hug. I smirked and pulled the pillow from her with more difficulty than I had expected. "Do you want to be punished for being late again?" I laughed as her eyes snapped open.

"Renji what the fuck are you doing?? You're gonna be late! Didn't you learn anything??" She hit me in the back of my head and ushered me out of the room so she could get dressed. I stood outside the door, listening to all the shuffling going on in there. I sighed and walked to the kitchen, making toast.

"You'd better get dressed!" She called.

I felt my eye twitch. You're kidding, right? I grabbed my toast and dragged my feet to my room, sending her a glare as I walked in. "Are you gonna leave or do I have to push you out like you did me."

Her brows drew together and her eyes became slits. Oh shit, what have I done? She took a deep breath and walked out of the room. I sighed once more and rummaged through my small closet, and got dressed. Just in time for the door to be cut in half. "You ready?" She taunted with a sadistic grin, sheathing her zanpakuto.

"Hmph! You're gonna pay for that door...." I grabbed zabimaru and left the house. She followed after. "I'm not paying for anything."

"I'll have Kuchiki Taicho come after you if you don't!" She just stuck out her tongue and shunpoed to her squad. I clenched my fists and walked to my office. What the hell did I do to make her so goddamn angry this morning??

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