𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔱𝔯𝔲𝔱𝔥

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yall need hobi

Y/n: Don't you remember me chimchim?

You noticed how his whole body froze once he heard that statement leave your mouth.

Mr Park: What did you just say?

He questioned.

Y/n: You heard me.

You replied with no emotion evident in your voice. A look of guilt, shock, anger and betrayal washed across Mr Park's face. But there was another feeling which you couldn't figure out. On the other hand, a worried look spread across Kayla's face as she knew she had been caught out yet still played dumb.

Kayla: Jimin, what's wrong?

She screeched. However Mr Park's expression only darkened.

Mr Park: It's Mr Park to you.

He hissed. Surely Kayla would have received the hint and just fessed up but no. Though what she didn't that she was playing with fire.

Kayla:  What do you mean Jimin? I mean Mr Park?

She questioned making sure to purposely call him Jimin. Though Mr Park had enough.

Mr Park: Why did you lie Kayla?!

He asked with a irritated expression.

Kayla: What do you mean Mr Park? Whatever y/n has said is not true.

Kayla replied, now talking with a bitchy tone. You, on the other hand, were watching the scene unravel growing more ticked off by the second. But that's when Mr Park lost it.

Mr Park: Get. Out.

He said though gritted teeth. Kayla was alarmed by Mr Park's sudden demand and quickly hurried out the room but she didn't forget to say whilst rolling her eyes,

Kayla: Urgh whatever. Your just a pathetic loser anyways.

Mr Park then released a sigh.

Mr Park: Y/n, I'm really sorry. How could I be so stupid. Please forgive me.

He said with a hurt and guilty expression. Of course you couldn't stay mad at him. After all, he was your childhood friend.

Y/n: Your lucky that I forgive you. Your such an idiot though.

Happiness was now visible on his face.

Mr Park: Thank you so~ much y/n! I mean it, really.

He replied. You chuckled at his cuteness. You then began to discuss how Kayla could've figured out you were Mr Park's childhood friend. And after a while, you figured it out. You told Mr Park about how you noticed Sana lurking around suspiciously when you were telling Sara that Jimin was your childhood friend.

Y/n: Well at least we found out how she discovered we were childhood friends, I guess.

You said happy and annoyed at the same time.

Mr Park: Yup.

He replied popping the p.

Mr Park: I could never believe Kayla would stoop that low.

Y/n: Oh I could.

You said. Mr Park just laughed at your response. It was all silent for a few seconds until Mr Park spoke up.

Mr Park: You know, in a way I'm glad your my childhood friend not Kayla.

Y/n: Oh really why?

You said with one eyebrow playfully raised.

Mr Park: Well Kayla is a bit actually very fake. And besides, your way prettier.

You blushed due to his statement.

Mr Park: Ooh is someone blushing?

He teased.

Y/n: Yah, you do realise I just forgave you for forgetting your childhood friend.

You said jokingly yet serious at the same time.

Mr Park: I'm sorry.

Jimin once again said with guilty and upset tone.

Y/n: Don't worry, I was just kidding.

You replied attempting to cheer him up a bit and thankfully he did.

Y/n: Anyways forget about that and lets think about revenge.

You exclaimed. Obviously hinting to get revenge on Kayla.

Mr Park: I don't understand.

You just gave him a *are you fucking dumb look* to him. Yet he was still in the dark.

Mr Park: I still don't understand like are we even having the same conversation?

He asked.

Y/n: Oh. My. God. No offence but you're dumb for a teacher.

Mr Park: Yah, that was offensive.

You just sighed in response and said whilst smirking evilly,

Y/n: Tomorrow Kayla is going to get what she deserves...

(◔◡◔) what do yall think? comment your opinions and thank you for reading part 15. <33

My Teacher (Jimin ✖️ Reader )  ✔ 𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖉Where stories live. Discover now