[33] Let You Down

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❝ All these voices in my head get loud
I wish that I could shut them out
I'm sorry that I let you down. . . ❞

After everything that happened, Sara found herself at a place she hadn't visited in weeks...her old house that was the last place she had seen, or known, her dad to be alive. She slowly walked through the house, noticing the dust that had collected from being unoccupied for so long and stared at everything. She glanced into the living room, remembering how she she fought throughout the house when she found her father attacked. Nothing had been changed, having been an active crime scene as she could still see the faint sight of blood on the floor near the shattered coffee table.


Sara quickly looked all around her, swearing she heard her father's voice. But she knew it was only a trick, he was dead...she knew that, no matter how much it hurt.


Sara felt the tears fall from her eyes as she made her way to the training room, stepping over broken items from the night of the fight and tried her best to ignore the voice in her head. She knew it wasn't her father's, she just needed to remind herself of that.

As Sara stepped in through the doorway leading into the training room, she felt her breath get caught in her throat. Sara bit her bottom lip, tears slowly falling down her face as she stepped inside the room. Sara let out a small cry as she slowly fell to her knees on the same place she had last seen of her father. She cried out loud, completely breaking down as she tried to remember her last words with her father. But she couldn't, she couldn't remember the last words she said to him no matter how hard she tried. It broke her heart, trying to remain calm but she couldn't, stop herself from crying.


"Why'd you let me die.."

"Why didn't you save me, Sara?"

"You could've saved me."

Sara reopened her eyes, looking all around her as she tried pin pointing where the voice that was imitating her father's was coming from. Suddenly, she heard a creak coming from behind her and quickly turned to see who it was. Sara gasped, her cries getting caught in her throat as she saw a shadowy figure that looked like her father in the doorway. His face was blocked by the darkness, the moonlight shining in from the window being the only source of light around her.

"D-dad? Dad, is that you?" Sara cried, breathing heavy as she tried crawling towards the figure but it quickly walked away.

Sara pushed herself off the floor, trying to run after the figure as it was leading her on a wild goose chase throughout the house. And with each spot she passed, it was like images flashed through her mind, images of her and her father during important moments that took place. Like the backyard where he taught her how to play soccer for the first time, their kitchen where he would always bake her a lemon cream cake the night before her birthday and they'd eat it together on the couch while watching Harry Potter, her room where he'd tuck her in at night or stay with her till she fell asleep when she awoke from a nightmare.

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